Results for "Friends of Bugala island villagers"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Thank you Josephine Lilly ⊙ Carlee Goodwin ⊙ Dawn Eybs-Johnson ⊙ Keren Carter ⊙ No Body ⊙ Gingo Henry for adding me to your circle of friends!

      • Mwandha Julius

        support us with school supplies friends right now we need school uniforms and school bags

        • Mwandha Julius

          We also participate in farming friends; as you can see Namulondo Justine with the kids in the garden digging. We need support to purchase our own land for farming as well as building an Orphanage structure. we need monthly support and if you can come out to be our monthly supporter God bless you

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            Greetings to you friends in the might name of our lord Jesus Christ. i kindly request you our friends to hel;p us get scholastic materials and school fees for the schooling at hope orphans centre-iganga. the first year 2018 is about to begin. kindly be with us to send these children to school.

            • Wanume Lasuli

              I thanks God to be blessed that am also with lovely friends

              • Mugweri Philly

                Hello members am together with you friends and everything making me busy will be done and stay in touch with you. We climb a step everyday and God's speed in everything

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  In life no one chooses to be an orphan. No parent wishes to die this world and wish their parents were alive. I thank all friend...y of these people and the needy world in general. I thank my friends w...

                  • Matte Jockas

                    The moment when, after many years of hard work and a long voyage you stand in the centre of your room, house, half-acre, square mile, island, c...

                    • Nsaba Bashiri

                      Hello friends join us to sponsor these children in their education, you can look at our children sponsorship Album through this link,https://spiritual

                      • Bode Suresh

                        Hello friends