Results for "Chickens Home to Roost"

Wall posts

    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      The home he loves, he corrects.

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        OUR MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Let us fight and we restore the hap...hans Centre Iganga orphanage hasn’t got a permanent home. The contract that was made r...future ONGOING PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS The home...

        • Billy John Waiswa

          Hello brethren, greetings to you all. Thank you for the kindness to the w...p the Children at His Grace Children's Home make there Thanksgiving the children at the Children's Home. God bless you as you conside...-act-in-support-of-his-grace-childrens-home

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Hello family, greetings to you all. This is a humble appeal to you all the good citizens of the world to help with the feeding of the children at His Grace Children's Home....

            • Billy John Waiswa

              Hello brethren, greetings to you all. It's a go back to school season and our children are seeking your support. T...em!

              • Billy John Waiswa

                Hello brethren, we continue to ask for your help to feed the hungry children at our Children's Home. Please join us for support. God bless you!

                • Balazewa Ivan

                  Hey there friends I welcome you all to come and join us in our orphanage and we save souls ,and we give hope to these innocent children,they need a clean water,good education,home,and agood life ,we believe and know the good Lord will bless you abundantly

                  • Billy John Waiswa

                    Calling for your support

                    • Billy John Waiswa

                      Hello friends, greetings to you all. This is a humble request to you to support us will help us feed our children at the Children's Home. We have challenges with

                      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                        FER ASCENDERS BOOK FELLOWSHEP COMMUNITY KALIRO. Fear, pride and selfishness. These are some of the man’s Begin by showing love to yourself; start by organizing your body, bed and home....