Results for "Truth in Science"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Messenger's Pledge The Story of David Zebedee by Buck Weimer

      The Messenger's Pledge The Story of David Zebedee “I am neith...” (190:1.5)   The Final Message of Truth Many tried to dissuade Dav...n their run as the first heralds of the magnificent truth o...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Urantia Manifesto

        The Urantia Manifesto Embracing the One Law of Divine Love Au...g Divine Order When you carry the truth of the gospel to the world, y...verything else leads to this singular truth. Love is the only reality. Lo...ou become a beacon of divine love and truth....

        • Niwamanya Onesmas

          Reply on topic: The Urantia Manifesto

          This is a beautiful and inspiring text, brother Paul and hope it was shared from brother Soren! The Urantia Manife...s us that the ultimate reality is love, and that living in alignment with this truth w...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Books of Knowledge and Wisdom Advances in Human Health Services. Trials, Errors and Successes'

            ...1861 Oliver Wendell Holmes, Currents and Counter-currents in Medical Science With Other Addresses and Es...hy of Natural Therapeutics, 1921 Simon Louis Katzoff, PhD, MD, Timely Truths on Human Health, 1921 Joe Sh...