Results for "Wake up People"

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    • ET NEWS

      Aliens’ in Mainstream News and the Potential for False Flag Operations

      Here on earth throughout our lon...ts that are paid for by the people. It also lays the groundwork...ts; disruptions in the flow of goods, people, or finance; disruptions in c...    We are a people-powered platform for wor...

      • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

        Allow me share with you something about this great love and story of a gardener ,,

        Allow me share with you something about bears fruits to be enjoyed by many people out there,,, In life we time grow , bear fruits and many people shall enjoy it ,, that' that we live in ,, at times some people seem like seeds which require...

        • Niwamanya Onesmas

          Who is Jesus to me? by Niwamanya Onesmas

          Who is Jesus to me? by Niwamanya Onesmas...e creatures of the ascending races, and to lead the peoples dwelling on the, I always enter a space full of light and I see people in a brighter light, happier,...

          • Ainamani John

            Salvation and Spiritual Growth

            Salvation and Spiritual Growth Some people find it very hard to believe that salvation and spiritual growth can occur outside their religion.  Enoch and Elijah were not Chr...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              THE MAINTENANCE OF CIVILIZATION by the Archangel Circuit Present on this World

               THE MAINTENANCE OF CIVILIZAT...ate. The Andites were a great people, but the crucial factor in de...nt as has been enjoyed by the peoples of North America -- protecte...All things equal, a numerous people will dominate the civilizatio...mployment among the civilized peoples of Urantia. Economic complex...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                INDEX Experiments in Personal Religion

                Experiments in Personal Religion Excerpts from a study course by Henry Nels...riginal text comments that the fourfold purpose of this course is "to help people to think more clearly concern...

                • Monica Kemp

                  EDEN 3.0 by Monica Kemp

                    &...this to be a learning opportunity for people to attempt to do a present-da...and now expanded our group to include people from Baker City, Oregon, Denv...and are gracefully bringing us to new people and to new ideas. At some poi...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How

                    Classical Music Alters the Brain–Her...the 1990s in the journal Nature drew people’s attention. Three g...ou can’t hear the music because people are screaming all the time,&—“lights up” when people listen to music attentively,...