Results for "Inspire Family & Friends"

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    • David Kantor

      Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered

      Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered   I recently came across two rather disturbing but very interesting, well-written books that shed light on th...

      • Keren Carter

        An appeal for help by Namulondu Justine the director of a children's charity in Uganda

        Children's Charity I am posting this message on behalf of Numulondo Justine i...stry Bugiri- Uganda,Numulondo Justine. I grew as an orphan as I was born alone in a family...

        • Mwandha Julius

          An Appeal for Help by Numulondo Justine

          Children's Charity   I Am the Director of God’s Love and Care Minis...da. My name is Numulondo Justine. I grew as an orphan as I was born alone in a family...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            We are the spark or the fragment of ALL THAT IS

            A spark or the fragment of the Universal Father indwells the human mind.The indwelling spirit is our constant companion leading us in the direction of timeless reality,transcendent beauty, and transforming love. DR Meredith.

            • Lyagoba Roman Bridge of Life

              Prayers & Thanksgiving

              Prayer & Thanksgiving  Lyagoba Roman Bridge of Life Ministry When you give to others, your own life is enriched, when you serve others, your own life...

              • Nkuutu Samuel

                Stand with US - An Appeal for Assistance - Nkuutu Samuel - New Hope for African Children

                An Appeal for Assistance    Hello How are you doing and your family? Hope your doing well and nice to...hose are the main problems we face, and here  we contact all friends to work with us so that we ca...

                • Matte Jockas


                  ROLE OF WOMEN IN RAISING A DECENT GENERATION AND ECONOMY TODAY   Enhancing wo...ole for women contributes to economic growth, that improves child survival and overall family...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    How can I communicate with angels?

                    How can I communicate with angels? Q● How can I communic...t same angel to this young lad so many years ago. It has inspi...informed that the Master was drawing near to Bethany by friends who had observed him ascendin...

                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                      Progress at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage by the Grace of God

                      Progress at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage by the Grace of God Dear Friends, Many of you know that i ru...xternal support from generous frien...grow and thrive. As a “family” we pray for each other...We are sorry that some of our friends have died , lost jobs, been a...

                      • Kirunda Sula CCM

                        Wish You Enough

                        Wish You Enough Psalms :90:12.. SO TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS, THAT WE M...; this is a desire passed on for generations in our famil...m. Take your time to live , to all our beloved friends we wish you enough....