Results for "Urantia Book Thought Gems"

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    • Wandira Ramathan

      An appeal for help by Wandira Ramathan

      An Appeal for your Help! My name is Wandira Ramathan a Ugandan by...ime especially on our side because we thought life has ended since Pr. Kato...the eldest person among them. I thought of leaving them but they had...Life moved on like that, I was on Facebook...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"!

        Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"! The parable of the pear...meaning of these two parables written below. Urantia Book 151:4.4: "The kingdom of...he might have the money to buy the field." Urantia Book...

        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

          Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task.

          Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task. It is only God Almighty,I am That I am,Holy Spirit and, work miracles, and make the impossible happen/possible.Call it any name! Urantia book...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            Let Go of Your Argument With Life.

            Let Go of Your Argument With Life. Psalm 46 verse 1and 2 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present he...f the order, plan, and purpose of the whole creation of things and beings.The Urantia Book...

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              The Just Shall Live by Faith.

              The Just Shall Live by Faith. “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just...theory, spiritual realities over the isolated facts of time and space. ~ The Urantia Book...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in God's purposes In All Things.

                Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in God's purposes In All Th...he infinite love of God is not secondary to anything in the divine nature.The Urantia Book...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  Seeding/Planting/Messaging The Words With The Act Of Faith And Hope.

                  Seeding/Planting/Messaging The Words With The Act Of Faith And Hope. People might think they are crazy when the...e mind spheres; God overshadows all throughout the material realms." The Urantia Book...

                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    Better to walk in the Light,share/talk the light than being in anxiety/worry!

                    Better to walk in the Light,share/talk the light than being in anxiety/worry! Fear not, for I am wi...ince such matters are not in your hands, why do you give anxious thought to any of these problems?" Jesus, The Urantia Book...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God of heaven's armies during the darkest hours.

                      Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God of heaven's armies during the darkest hours. When we meet chal...ents ready to sing songs of praise in anticipation of the coming victory. The Urantia Book...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        Contentment and Joy.

                        Contentment and Joy “It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort...t, and supreme joy in the spirit."Jesus, The Urantia Book, (149:5.4) After Jude had...o the Holy Spirit’s prompting to direct his thou...