Results for "Why does my heart feel so bad"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      WHERE ARE THE YOUTH? Posted by Teuvo Orjala |...Adult Committee. Therefore, I feel my experiences have given the 5th Epochal Revelation does...of the Urantia Book. It just doesn’t say this. What it DO...Note from the Author: I feel like I could write 20,000 wor...

      • Keren Carter

        An appeal for help by the director of a children's charity in Uganda

        Children's Charity I am posting this message on behalf of Wandira Ramathan in an appeal for help for this children's ministry in Uganda Africa....

        • Wandira Ramathan

          An appeal for help by Wandira Ramathan

          An Appeal for your Help! My name is Wandira Ramathan a Ugandan by nationality who originates from the Eastern part of the country. I am a staunch Christian from...

          • Kimberly  Simmons

            Who are The Good Samaritans

            If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they n...and heard, about their struggles, too! My heart has been moved, by all of them! I'm Praying that your heart, is too! He needs some help,...d anything, that could help them! If your Hear...

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolutely Sure!

              The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolutely Sure! The shorter days and longer nig...ning us inward to reflect upon this past year and begin to dream in the new. We feel deeply blessed by the abundan...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                Jesus Spoke About Himself Saying...."I Am the light of the world."

                Jesus Spoke About Himself Saying...."I Am the light of the world." Jesus is the spiritual lens in huma...structs of the ego that support it. May The song of Love knows itself as our hear...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task.

                  Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task. It is only God Almighty,I am That I am,Holy Spirit and All...rantia book Paper 102:0.3 (1118.3) This saving faith has its birth in the human hear...

                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    Living In Awareness Within and Without.

                    Living In Awareness Within and Without. I humbly request all to endeavor to take cogn...niverse. I strongly believe that People everywhere feel/...cess of awareness by experiencing this. If humanity does not respond to its core, it w...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Be Passionate to Love and to Forgive.

                      Be Passionate to Love and to Forgive. The human heart was created from love and is only at rest when it is in a state of love. When you search for your true passion which is L...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in God's purposes In All Things.

                        Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in God's purposes In All God’s love language of unity, which is expressed through one mind, one hear...