Results for "This is my life story with Urantia book today"

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    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God and of heaven's armies during the darkest hours.

      Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God and of heaven's armies during the darkest hours. When we mee...nts ready to sing songs of praise in anticipation of the coming victory. The Urantia Book...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God and of heaven's armies during the darkest hours.

        Waiting Patiently and in Confidence in God and of heaven's armies during the darkest hours. When we mee...nts ready to sing songs of praise in anticipation of the coming victory. The Urantia Book...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          And a small child shall lead them ● Ava's adventures in sharing and caring ● Isaiah 11:6

          Ava's adventures in sharing and caring   When speaking with Robert Walugosi the Director...eous act of kindness and decided that this re...eth; Ava's mom wrote and told me about this event in Ava's life....

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            Having undiluted and absolute trust in Him is the best.

   fill up our spare moments with gratitude and thanksgiving. This...sponse to whatever challenges life throw to you. Mind you, the Urantia book summed it up "What [Jesus]...vine dispensation  along with the children of God." UrantiaBookP...

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              Do We Understand That Faith Is Trust In The Unseen?

              Do We Understand That Faith Is Trust In The Un...then that habit of trusting will remain with him. He taught trust in th...y which men earned God's favor. ~ TheUrantiaBook, (92:4.7). As to the simpl...he letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life....

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                Nothing Is Impossible With Courageous Heart.

                ...iscouraged plus including The Urantia Book, 133:1.4. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.&rdq...rse is friendly to me — this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  The Just Shall Live by Faith.

                  The Just Shall Live by Faith. “ his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4). This great principle—“...lief may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear, but faith is always t...isolated facts of time and space. ~ The Urantia Book,...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    A Calling to the Sons and Daughters of God!

                    A Calling to the Sons and Daughters of God on Urantia 1679 Prop...asted the glories of a better life...nd full redemption by Christ. This is a hidden mystery not to be understood without the revelation of the Holy...nces, you could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Let Go of Your Argument With Life.

                      Let Go of Your Argument With Life....important to understand that life works in “totality&rdqu...A human mind can only look at life in the form of “events&...t happened. Let go of arguing with life, because you will never win...tion of things and beings.The Urantia Book...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        What Is Our Responsibility As A Spiritual Student?

                        What Is Our Responsibility As A Spiritual Student?  ...get clearer about our purpose in life,...elp us become more inspired about this magnificent universe we get t...ught? May God grant us unity with the divine spirit and immortality in himself! ~ The Urantia Book,...