
    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "Wall posts"

      Any member of the Study Group Urantia Teams go to your profile by clicking your...nal album with the name of your study group. Urantia Teams. You can then u...en i see them I will also post them in the Group Albums on your Urantia Team Profile page in the Al...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "Wall posts"

        ...young and old of other Study Groups can do the same for their study Groups as well and create a picture p...ation.  African Urantia Women Disciple-Making Movement AUWDMM FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGAN...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "Wall posts"

          Hi Osbert, and this profound satisfaction of achievement was a part of Jesus entire journey on Urant...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            The Youth study Groups in the Ibanda District Western Uganda are seeking funding to hold a pre school seminar to give instructions to study group members on how to gain the trust and support of their school mates and to encourage them to join them in the adventures of the revelation.

            • Monica Kemp

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Just are a Spirit poetry factory! Do you put in a word in the Search bar in the and then find a quote you can work with?

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                An adventure is a discovery, Discover the Urantia book, food Forest, an adventure shows aspects that happened way bad or good and this brings clear information on ground.Wow and Wow.

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Comment on "Wall posts"

                  Hello Edson, Re your Comment son: Thank you mama for your encouraging words for me,,,in t...d and tested on a world made difficult by rebellion like the same manner he approached God as a child while on Urant...

                  • Muhanguzi George

                    Comment on "SLIDES OMWIITAGI URANTIA SPORTS CLUB"

                    Ready to groom the youth under urantia spiritual morals

                    • Muhanguzi George

                      Comment on "Profile Images"

                      I call for the combined efforts in grooming and empowering the youth with the urantia spiritual values

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Comment on "Religious revival 2023"

                        Monica has been helping Marin to create these beautiful teachings for over the past year now....t the end of each lesson. Monica has taught the youth of the ages of Light and Life promised by Jesus while on Urant...