Comments on Status update by Tumwijukye simon

Tumwijukye simon

The ability of mortal parents to procreate is not predicated on their educational, cultural, social, or economic status. The union of the parental factors under natural conditions is quite sufficient to initiate offspring. A human mind discerning right and wrong and possessing the capacity to worship God, in union with a divine Adjuster, is all that is required in that mortal to initiate and foster the production of his immortal soul of survival qualities if such a spirit-endowed individual seeks God and sincerely desires to become like him, honestly elects to do the will of the Father in heaven.

There’s a project must be done
As projects go, an easy one.
Avoidance of the task at hand.
Causes waiver in my stand.

Faith must gird my inner soul.
Keep my eyes upon my goal.
Whenever e’er a step is taken
I must make sure of its direction!

Eventually all things work out
Every venture that we mount.
Circuitous route some times are taken.
With every route experience greatens.

The good and bad of what we do
Improves as we do follow You!
Perfection is a far off flame
A goal for which we all must train.

Confidence today must build
As my work today fulfills
Goals before me that I’ve set.
Complete the goal before sunset!

But like I said, an easy task
Compared to somethings I have asked
Of myself in times gone by.
Age has changed me, can’t deny!

Thank You for this day at hand.
I’ll help love spread throughout this land.
All this world must yield to truth.
Then perfection is produced!

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Just are a Spirit poetry factory! Do you put in a word in the Search bar in the and then find a quote you can work with?