Results for "America’s Shadow Government"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Denmark Warns DTP Vaccine Increases Child Mortality Rate Tenfold

      Denmark Warns DTP Vaccine Increases Child Mortality Rate.... unvaccinated children, the data from the Danish government study lends further weight to.... The rare study, funded in part by the Danish government and led by Dr. Soren Wengel M...

      • Beth

        Your help is needed

        Butiiki Children's Ministry Group CLICK TO SEE           Our friend Robert Walugosi is founder and manager of Children&...

        • i Witness NEWS

          North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”

          North Korea and the “A...of North Korea by the United States government continues unrelentlessly. The...of North Korea by the United States government continues unrelentlessly. The...ecovered. (SEE “United States Government War Crimes,” Spring 200...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Sovereignty — Divine and Human

            ...vement world wide for a world government to become administrative via...kingdom of heaven, the divine government, is founded on the fact of di...political growth — the government of all mankind, by all mankin...olutionary development of the government of all mankind.  ...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Take A Gander At This Amazing, But Little Known, 9-11 Story

              Take A Gander At This Amazing, But Little Known, 9-11 Story This incredible s...passengers that Ground control in Gander told us to stay put. The Canadian Government was in charge of our situatio...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Orphans of Butiiki Children's Ministry Beth Goodell FaceBook & YouCaring Fundraiser Links & Activities

                Orphans of Butiiki Children's Ministry FaceBook & Fundraiser Activities  The Children you are supporting can be seen here. Group Activities can be seen here. Daily children activities can be seen here.    

                • Strange Preacher

                  War & Peace

                  War & Peace   ...within. They are the children of the shadows and not the light. War ha...night when among the children of the shadows. They know well that we woul...en you already own the media and the government and you are safely ensconced...

                  • Beth

                    Children of Butiiki Children's Ministry

                    We are still trying to fund a permanent home for BCM. Robert, the founder and caretaker, has been struggling to pay the rent on the poor buildings they currently live in....

                    • Robert Walugosi

                      VISITORS at Butiiki Children's Ministry

                      Butiiki Children's Ministry         We enc...the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Base...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        The Collapse of Media and What You Can Do About It

                        DECEMBER 1, 2017 The Collapse of Media and What You Can Do About It by NA...nservatives fight liberals we lose precious time. While progressives fight government, the corporations and the sup...