Results for "Religion of Personal Experience"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Experiments in Personal Religion: Study V | Religious Experience through Loyalty to a Great Cause | H. N. Wieman

      Experiments in Personal Religion: Study V Religious Experience through Loyalty to a Great...o, every man can make his own personal conduct in dealing with his the problem of how to make personal connection with the great cause...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VI | Religious Experience through Happiness | H. N. Wieman

        Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VI Religious Experience through Happ...rows; for only as we learn to experience it, know it, master it, and u...e have suggested two kinds of personal experiments in religion. One kind had to do with cultiv...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VIII | Religious Experience through the Church | H. N. Wieman

          Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VIII Religious Experience through the...or service is association for personality-building. We call it organic...lating interaction of diverse personalities who have profound mutual of the universe. 4. The Personal Experiment The personal...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Experiments in Personal Religion: Study IV | Religious Experience through the Struggle of Life | H. N. Wieman

            Experiments in Personal Religion: Study IV Religious Experience through the Struggle of Lif...e depends upon the release of personal energy; and pe...hat is going on, one does not experience the emotion to any marked deg...lem which we have to solve by personal experiment. We must find some w...

            • Niwamanya Onesmas

              Prayer has great power my brothers and sisters,

              Prayer has great power my brothers and sisters Wh...alues of that which is real are co-ordinated in personality experience, the result is a high order o...rlds with the larger realities of his expanding experience. Reality is finite on the hum...

              • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                List of the Apostles and their character

                To my friend who asked me how I understand the characteristics of the apostles as portrayed in the UB....with his brother James in partnership with Andrew and Peter. Personal agent of Jesus - John functioned as the personal a...

                • Strange Preacher

                  Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                  Should I Stay or Should I Go?! STRANGE PREACHER SUBSTACK...ming to take the place of the religion whose totalitarian bondage it...acial deterioration. This new religion was a cultural necessity for...ce, philosophy, and spiritual experience, and to the beauties of the p...

                  • Strange Preacher

                    Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

                    Should I Stay or Should I Go?! STRANGE PREACHER SUBSTACK...ming to take the place of the religion whose totalitarian bondage it...acial deterioration. This new religion was a cultural necessity for...ce, philosophy, and spiritual experience, and to the beauties of the p...

                    • Ronald Fournier

                      Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Words of Wisdom

                      Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Words of Wisdom   This...brilliant writings: > Religion is not just one, there are hu...>Spirituality is one. >Religion is for those who sleep. >.... > Spirituality makes us experience glory and paradise here and n...

                      • The Strange Preacher

                        The Language of Violence

                        The Language of Violence     The Language of Violence Technica...y would be of simply acquiring great power, their personal exaltation over others is the...institutions. People who celebrate the decline of religion a...