The Language of Violence

The Language of Violence



The Language of Violence

Technically, violence is a form of language. It is used, successfully or unsuccessfully, to persuade, accomplish a goal, advance an agenda – it is a means to an end. Practically every creature on earth will have recourse to violence at some point in their lives. Most creatures rely on threats of violence, rather than engage in actual violent exchanges as actual violence can have great costs. Consequently, threatening behaviour is used to communicate the cost of violent engagement. Successful communication in this instance is when one of the parties in the exchange comes to believe that the costs would be too high and that the wiser choice would be to walk away.

Violence has its place in the animal kingdom. Its primary purpose is to secure access to needful resources like food, water, and mates. Almost every creature needs to use violence to defend its access to these needful things. The inability to defend makes access to the needful uncertain, and a quick death more certain.

In nature one observes that a creature will often have a territory that it claims as its own. It backs up this claim with violence. Animals understand that if they intentionally or accidentally wander into the territory of another, violence could result. By staking a claim to territory a creature claims exclusive access to the resources in that territory. The territory becomes their hunting grounds, or their fruit trees, and they will fight to the death those who would dare to deprive them of these essentials, this is true of even beautiful flowers. Most creatures are content with sufficient to meet their needs and the needs of their families. They are unconcerned with the territory of others.

Good natured, rational human beings have no love for violence and would prefer to avoid it – if at all possible. They resort to violence only when their health and wellbeing [or that of their families and communities/territories] is endangered as a result of the actions of malevolent actors who are not amenable to reason. No more than any animal, when another creature seeks to deprive them of, or diminish their access to, the resources they need to provide for themselves or their families that will elicit violence from the otherwise peaceable Common Man. Consequently, in light of these dangers, malevolent actors engage in subterfuge, camouflaging their intentions and actions. Especially will they so deploy their nefarious schemes when their activities are for the benefit of a tiny minority at the very great expense of the majority.

In spite of the evidence, the majority of people are nice and want what’s best for themselves and their neighbours. If this were not so, there would be no civilization worthy of the name. However, there is a minority of any group that only want what’s best for themselves, regardless of the cost to others. Indeed there is little doubt that there are some wicked creatures who would be more excited at the prospect of depriving others of power than they would be of simply acquiring great power, their personal exaltation over others is their ambition. These malevolent ones need careful watching, they would set the world on fire merely to warm their feet.

The Common Man is daily being subjected to death by a thousand stealthily delivered cuts. He is bleeding and knows not why, or who is administering the cuts. He is losing control of his life and destiny. He is being hemmed in and imprisoned, losing his property rights and his right to speak in the Town Hall. Everyone is being silenced, and intimated. If one dares speak up he is savagely attacked and a spectacle is made of him, to drive home the culture of silence. However, we should remember: if silence is the weapon of the hidden cowards, thieves, and enslavers of the Common Man then speaking truth is the weapon of the brave liberators of the Common Man. This being so, then hearing, recognising, and responding appropriately to truth is not only our path out of the evil snares laid by the Wicked Ones but is in truth our way to a better future. There are those who seek to enslave, and there are those that seek to liberate – the sheep follow the voice of their master: one choosing enslavement, and the other choosing liberty.

We, probably more than any generation in earth’s history, desperately need to recognise the work and listen to the words of our prophets lest the nefarious schemes of the wicked enslave the whole world. We must act! Ambivalence in these matters ensures the destinies of our little ones are determined by monsters that would greedily devour their futures.

We are under attack by monsters who are able to use banks, governments, and NGOs as camouflage. These are Master Deceivers, the Spawn of Lucifer - the Father of Lies - they so manage perceptions that villains appear as heroes while heroes are cast as villains. The saviours they promote are actually weapons – instruments of the destruction the hidden actors wish to inflict.

It is interesting and instructive that large and powerful creatures can be defeated by much smaller, faster and more intelligent creatures. The battle is determined by intelligence, foresight, careful planning, and effective execution. All other things being equal, battles are determined by sheer strength. Under such circumstances the smaller creature doesn’t stand a chance. The smaller can only succeed by leveraging their intelligence: disguising their intentions, masking their attacks, feigning attacks, misdirection, and distractions, plus the careful use of weaponry and the environment.

In a sense, the Common Man is like a large and powerful creature but it is not highly intelligent. It prospers under good and wise leadership, but suffers tremendously when it falls under the influence of malevolent and unwise leaders. Hence, the absolute necessity of ensuring that only those of the finest character can acquire the seats of power. Indeed, it is a moral indictment of any civilisation if it fails to ensure that only “technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit.” When societies and civilisations fail in this, tragedy spanning the generations will be the result.

It is interesting that malevolent actors cannot progress well in pro-moral and pro-righteous cultures. Consequently, the first target of the wicked is to undermine the influence of the religious and moral institutions. People who celebrate the decline of religion are, in essence, calling for the chains of godless technocratic secularists and are, consciously or unconsciously, conspiring both in their and their community’s own undoing. The waning spiritual power of Christian tradition indirectly presages the enslavement of western civilisation.

It is worth pointing out that the moral appeal of a social ‘good’ seldom needs to be backed up with threats of violence except when the good being thus advanced threatens the prospects of those that benefit from the injustice that advocates of righteousness seek to eliminate. This would usually only adversely affect a minority. Consequently, the moral advancement of the races progresses slowly due to the inertia generated by resistance of those that fight against the moral development of civilization.

However, there is no moral appeal in a social injustice and in every case it needs violence to achieve its realisation. Achieving an injustice necessitates violence because it will be resisted by both its victims and those that love justice. Furthermore, in order for the machinations of the wicked to succeed against the resistance of the righteous the tables have to be turned in the Public Square or the Town Hall. The wicked must present themselves as the advocates of righteousness while casting the victims of their nefarious machinations as the villains. Hence the need to manage perceptions, to control the Public Square and the Town Hall. If the wicked lose control of the Public Square or the Town Hall they lose everything.



  • France Tremblay
    By France Tremblay

    173:1.11 (1891.1)This cleansing of the temple discloses the Master’s attitude toward commercializing the practices of religion as well as his detestation of all forms of unfairness and profiteering at the expense of the poor and the unlearned. This episode also demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval upon the refusal to employ force to protect the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical power. Shrewd, wicked, and designing men are not to be permitted to organize themselves for the exploitation and oppression of those who, because of their idealism, are not disposed to resort to force for self-protection or for the furtherance of their laudable life projects.

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