Results for "Father Malachi Martin"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      A Calling to the Sons and Daughters of God on Urantia

      A Calling to the Sons and Daughters of God on Urantia "My Father is no respecter of races or g...hat you are ambassadors of my Father's kingdom, you have there...d even as I now represent the Father; and as my agents on earth yo...evelation of the spirit of my Father...

      • Ahulire Narasis

        Fort Portal Urantia book reader get together fellowship meeting Held on 22nd /01/2022 at Gweri Trading Center

        Fort Portal Urantia book reader get together fellowship meeting Held on 22nd /01/2022 at and Mary were poor they stay together and served Our Father....xpanded in Uganda. Thank you stay blessed. We thank our Father...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Kamwenge Conference 2022-02-16

          The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation Ibanda Uganda Blog Kamwenge Conference ...ater in the afternoon Paul and Monica joined through zoom and taught about our loving Father...

          • i Witness NEWS


            Australian Senate —MALCOLM ROBERTS DROPS BOMBSHELLS IN SENATE AFTER COVID UNDER QUESTIO...ter receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.  Daniel Perkins, a 36-year-old healthy father...

            • Kato Pare

              Very Happy to Meet these students from different schools

              I take this opportunity to thank each and everybody on this site. I'm Kato Pare Patri...Truth] shall eventually know the will of God, and he who surrenders to the will of my Father...

              • Monica Kemp

                Angels and us

                ANGELS & US     SOURCE:The Jesus MeetUp  ...of all who seek to attain the Universal Father through the Eternal Son.&rdqu...oving upwards towards perfection and our Father....the way to the personal presence of the Father...

                • Mbabazi Kevin


                  Psalm:68.5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Dear Lord we surrender everything to you, you are the provider, healer and Omega. Come upon our ministry and guide us plus providing. We also Him, to help us get sponsorships towards our ministry

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator


                    SECULAR TOTALITARIANISM     195:8.1 Bu...two world-wide influences. The father of secularism was the narrow-...n while ignoring or denying the fatherhood of God.   19...a knowledge of the will of the Father...ear -- the living gospel of the father...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Urantia Association International Journal May 2022

                      Editor’s Note – May 2022 In This Issue Editor&rsq...that Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins and appease the wrath of an angry Father...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Urantia Association International Journal May 2022

                        The Hazards of a Decimal Planet From Journal - May 2022, By Claude Flibotte, Ca...while bringing to life the Gospel of Jesus based on the Fatherh...sus and that we need to bring to life today is the Father...