How can we be of service to others in our community, living out the teachings of love, compassion, and selflessness inspired by the Urantia Book?

    Niwamanya Onesmas
    Asked by Niwamanya Onesmas Answers (3)

    How can we be of service to others in our community, living out the teachings of love, compassion, and selflessness inspired by the Urantia Book?
    This question seeks ways to help those around us, guided by the Urantia Book's teachings of love, compassion, and selflessness. The goal is to make a positive difference in people's lives through acts of kindness, support, and volunteerism. By serving others, we can demonstrate selflessness, share our skills and knowledge, and advocate for justice and equality.

    3 Answers

      • Timothy Ray Walls
        By Timothy Ray Walls

        My friend... when I was but a young man about your age, first starting to read The Urantia Book, in 1970, I didn't have a clue. I could not have asked the intelligent question you are asking, now. Meditate and pray for your deepening wisdom-insight into even this single quote:

        "The divine spirit makes contact with mortal man, not by feelings or emotions, but in the realm of the highest and most spiritualized thinking. The Urantia Book, (101:1.3)

        What is the first duty of the mortal children of our Paradise Father? When you seek the meaning of your life here on Urantia, you will find it in the following quote:

        "Jesus' earthly life was devoted to one great purpose—doing the Father's will, living the human life religiously and by faith.  The Urantia Book, (196:0.14)

        When you become this one great will set your life path course upon developing your natural and divinely endowed talents, honing your natural skills into masterful talents. 

        Consider the true meaning in this principle, one of the twenty-eight found in Paper 48. - THE MORONTIA LIFE:

        48:7.6 (556.6)  4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.

        Our endowment of mind and inherited talents, ever seeking to give Father's indwelling Thought Adjuster presence our increasingly, morally decisive, and sincere cooperation is the composite of our treasure trove of true riches.

        Develop your skills and talents, along with the growth of your soul, leading to truer and truer character, loyalty to the highest hue-man virtues, and divine spirit values, and you will naturally begin to look for each and every opportunity, no matter how small and trivial, or how great and challenging, to be of service to fellow children of God.

        Herein...I am speaking of "divine love," the love that Michael of Nebadon, our Sovereign Creator Father--Joshua Ben Joseph--Jesus of Nazareth, as we know of him, while he was here, loved not only those Apostles and followers, who sat at his feet and followed him to the bitter end, but also loved and asked that his enemies be forgiven, while hanging on a Roman Cross in agony. He manifest our Paradise Father's divine love, not only for all mortal children on Urantia, but for all mortal and morontia children on all worlds.

        Did not our Master say... "No greater love can a man have than to lay down his life for his friends?"

        Set aside all self-importance to become the keen observer of the needs of fellow beings, and you shall surely find how you can begin to be of service to the higher, and even the highest good, for both an individual fellow child of God, and for all fellow children of our divine Parents.

        Always remember: "I am" are the two most powerful words in every language on Urantia. Whichever words follow "I am," for example: "I am a masterful artist." "I am a masterful carpenter." I am a masterful musician." "I am a masterful speaker." "I am a masterful poet." 

        I will share with you the first Urantia-based poem I wrote:


        Could The End Be Just The Beginning?

        There existed a man...whose skin was colored blue,
        Who desired to share all the knowledge he grew
        With all other men living in the world around him...

        But all men despised the color of his skin
        Or so he thought until he met another man
        Whose skin was

        Said he smiling to the green man..."We're two of a kind in this land."
        And thus...their friendship began when the world
        Was very close to...self-destruction...

        Said the green man to the blue man...
        "Is there nothing we can do, friend,
        To make the world a better place in which to live?

        Said then the blue man to the green man...
        "Let us join, now, our hands in an effort to banish ignorance
        and segregative isolation among the golden men."

        So they traveled, hand in hand...over mountains, crossing rivers,
        and through the valleys and fields, joining hands with other men,
        As they hunted for outcasts of all colors...

        And as time passed...this little band of two...grew...
        Until there were a thousand and two...
        And within a year there were more than one hundred thousand...

        Said the green man to the blue man...
        "The time is now due...when we shall visit punishment
        upon the heads of the race with golden skin..."

        "But," said the blue man to the green man..."Tell me, brother, 
        Where we would be, now, if we had not vowed to bring unity 
        To the very people we first thought to hate us...?

        Do you not see the many outcasts with golden skin
        Scattered amongst this hundred thousand?"
        Rather...let us be...patient...

        For impatience is like poison...and let us keep searching this land 
        For those outcasts among men...until the day when
        We shall have swallowed the world around us...

        For observedly that day in time is upon us...
        Even now it is drawing nigh...when all men shall perceive well...
        It is more God-like to love the being

        ...Instead of the shell in which he was created…


        Since then...I have developed my language and writing skills into those of a "masterful poet," writing almost 1,000 Urantia-based poems over the next 50+ years of living and experiencing. Today, my poetry is an advanced master class, and I am finally planning to go public to teach from both my poetry and The Urantia Book.

        Share my message to you with as many others as possible in your community. Set about openly and transparently building individual and community trust, loyalty, and trustworthiness, and by ever-increasing faith in our Father's will in your personal and collective lives, you will, individually and together, achieve great things, because...

        "Great things are waiting to be achieved...right where you find yourself."

        Timothy - The Spirit Whisperer

        Always Remember: When you give food to one who knows not how to grow food, he will ever be in need of more food. When you teach one how to grow food, he is now empowered to grow food, not only for his family and himself / herself, but to share with all those in need around him / her. I speak herein of the hue-man, the morontia soul, and divine indwelling Thought Adjuster, and in remembrance of Michael - Jesus.


          By JORDAN ARINDA

          I pray I get such an experience with Urantia

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          By Paul Kemp Administrator

          Timothy Ray Walls wisely brought to mind this truth postulate from the 5th Epochal Revelation, 

            48:7.6 4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.

          .Add this truth postulate and the means to drawing the full sum of personality credits becomes revealed. 

            4:4.9 The consciousness of a victorious human life on earth is born of that creature faith which dares to challenge each recurring episode of existence when confronted with the awful spectacle of human limitations, by the unfailing declaration: Even if I cannot do this, there lives in me one who can and will do it, a part of the Father-Absolute of the universe of universes. And that is "the victory which overcomes the world, even your faith."

          Timothy please consider opening a Group on SFN to post your Poems. Another Urantia Poet Paul Anderson has some of his poems on our Network. One of our members Simon Tumwijukye has been posting Paul's poems for several years now on SFN We had over 130,000 visitors last month so it is a way of bringing teachings to many visitors each month.

          • Monica Kemp
            By Monica Kemp

            Brother Timothy! Thank you for your answer and PERFECTLY-timed poem!!!! Wow, amazing. Thank you so much for the love and the simplicity of action required TODAY, as it was in the time of our Master-Brother, who showed us THE WAY. 

            Keep sharing your insights here, brother, as many nU-Bs will appreciate your experience with Jesus and Father. 

            Your Canadian sister Monica, striving to live in light and life in our own space, in our own time, 

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