Group activity

    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Hi brother, wonderful good news from you. Could you send me a more detailed report on this revelation outreach mission to Kapkyorwa in far Eastern Uganda.How far distant was it from your location in Kaliro brother? Did you have any books to leave behind? Members who may see this post SFN donors provided the Motorcycle to Andrew for the revelation outreach. If there are members that can assist Andrew with the repairs his campaign is here for the work of the revelation.  Andrew has been invited to introduce the revelation where news of his revelation missions had traveled even to far western Uganda. You can read about these on reports he has posted on his Group FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA. 

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
        Gumpi Andrew Cohen posted 4 images

        I hope you're doing well! I wanted to share with you that I recently returned from a missionary trip to Kapkyorwa in far Eastern Uganda. I was invited to share and discuss the UB teachings with the community there. It was a great experience and I'm grateful for the opportunity to spread the message. Blessings!
        This community here asked for some copies of the urantia books and to offer them time to introduce them to the teachings.
        Unfortunately my bike needs to be fixed for this..

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          By Paul Kemp Administrator

          Hi brother, wonderful good news from you. Could you send me a more detailed report on this revelation outreach mission to Kapkyorwa in far Eastern Uganda.How far distant was it from your location in Kaliro brother? Did you have any books to leave behind? Members who may see this post SFN donors provided the Motorcycle to Andrew for the revelation outreach. If there are members that can assist Andrew with the repairs his campaign is here for the work of the revelation.  Andrew has been invited to introduce the revelation where news of his revelation missions had traveled even to far western Uganda. You can read about these on reports he has posted on his Group FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA. 

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
          List of the Apostles and their character
          To my friend who asked me how I understand the characteristics of the apostles as portrayed in the UB. Gumpi Andrew Cohen: What was the characters of apostle Andrew? [4/26, 7:50 PM] Meta AI: The characteristics of Apostle Andrew...
          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
            FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources  Member Notes: If you join one of the Urantia Study Groups or start one of your own you can build up a Profile of your Study Discussions in the Groups menu for Group...
            • Monica Kemp
              2. The Father hopes that with this new and enhanced information about his Personal Indwelling Spirit, living within each of our minds, and the full life and teachings of Jesus, that we will want to repent(=change our ways that are not following the...
              • Monica Kemp
                1. It is possible to live the way the Father would have you live and love especially once you have studied Part IV of the Revelation, which shows you how Jesus lived, what he did. You can do everything he did IN YOUR OWN WAY, IN YOUR OWN TIME, and...
                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                  Questions Asked During a Home Cell Urantia book study and discussion about Paper 89 Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement Paper 89 Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement A few questions about this topic were raised; 1. Is it in a way possible to...
                  • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                    Gumpi Andrew Cohen provided an answer for the question Question on Midwayers, Ghosts, Paranormal Activity?
                    Really helpful, thank you very much!
                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                      Trip to Kumi District in the eastern Uganda where I was invited to speak on the Urantia Revelation by seven Pastors in Kumi District 
                      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                        FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA Certificate of Registration
                        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                          2023-04-20-Kamwenge Ibanda District Invitation to speak on the Urantia Revelation by 3 Pastors in the area. This Trip resulted in a new Group opened by the 3 Pastors to report the good news happening in the Kamwenge Ibanda District
                          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                            The future of the; revelation, FER Ascenders' Fellowship Community Kaliro, and unity of the organization.
                            • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                              Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                              URANTIA QUESTION AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS

                              The Freshman Test of Knowledge of The [Urantia] Papers

                              Please provide all fifty (50) responses:

                              1–3. Name the three persons of Deity.
                              1. The father
                              2. The son
                              3. The spirit
                              4. Name the dwelling place of God.
                              1. Paradise/ Havona
                              5–7. Name the three energies.
                              1. Cosmic Energy.
                              2. Emergent Energy.
                              3. Universal Power.
                              8. What is the name of the central universe?
                              1. Paradise / Hovana.
                              9. What is the name of our super universe?
                              1. The name of our supper universe is Orvonton.
                              10. What is the name of our local universe?
                              1. Our local universe is Nebadon.
                              11. How many super universes are there?
                              1. There are (7) seven supper universes.
                              12. How many major sectors are there?
                              1. There are (3) in each, so 21 in total
                              13. How many minor sectors are there?
                              1. There are (100) one hundred sectors.
                              14. How many local universes are there in a minor sector?
                              1. There are (100) one hundred local universes
                              15. What is the name of our constellation?
                              1. The name of our constellation is Norlatiadek
                              16. What is the name of the capital of our super universe?
                              1. What is the capital of our super universe Orvonton.
                              17. What is the name of the capital of our local universe?
                              1. The capital of our local universe is Salvington.
                              18. What is the name of the capital of our constellation?
                              1. The capital of constellation is Edentia.
                              19. How many constellations are there in our local universe?
                              1. There are (10,000) ten thousand constellation.
                              20. What is the name of our local system?
                              1. The name of our local system is Satania.
                              21. How many local systems are there in a constellation?
                              1. There are one million systems in a constellation.
                              22. What is the name of the capital of our local system?
                              1. The capital of our local system is Jerusem.
                              23. How many inhabited worlds are there in a completed local system?
                              1. The number is not directly stated but each is said to have up to 10 million
                              24. How many inhabited worlds are there now in our local system?
                              1. Our local system is containing only 619 inhabited worlds.
                              25. Who is the chief executive of our local universe?
                              25. Gadriel of Salvington the chief executive of local universe
                              26. Who is the sovereign of our local universe?
                              26. The sovereign of our local universe is God-man of Nebadon, Jesus of Nezareth and Micheal of salvington.
                              27. Who are the rulers of the super universe?
                              27. The Trinity Ambassadors, Gabriel- the Chief Executive, The Universal Son and Spirit, The Sovereign of Nebadon and Micheal of Nebadon.
                              28. Who are the rulers of the major sectors?
                              28. These are; Ancient of Days, Perfect Of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, Divine Counselors, Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, Universal Censors.
                              29. Who are the rulers of the minor sectors?
                              29. The rulers of the major sects are; Trintized Secrets of Supremacy, External of days, Ancients of days, Perfection of days, Recents of days, Union Of days, Faithfuls Of Days.
                              30. Who is the system sovereign of our local system?
                              30. The system sovereign is Lanaforge, number2,709 of the primary order and successor to the apostate Lucifer.
                              31. Who was his predecessor in authority? (Who was the former system sovereign?)
                              31. His predecessor was Apostate lucifer
                              32. Who is now the planetary prince of Urantia?
                              32. The planetary prince now is Prince Caligastia
                              33. Who was the planetary Prince of Urantia?
                              33. Lucifer was the planetary prince.
                              34. What was the name of the Melchizedek who taught at Salem?
                              34. The name of the Melchizedek who taught at Salem is Machiventa
                              35. Who was the chief human follower of this Melchizedek?
                              35. Abraham was the Chief follower of Melchizedek.
                              36. Who was the chief opponent of our rebelling planetary prince?
                              36. Micheal was the chief opponent of the rebelling planetary prince.
                              37–38. Who were the first two human beings?
                              The first two humans were;
                              37. Adon
                              38. Fonta

                              39–50. Name the 12 apostles.
                              39. Andrew.
                              40. Simon Peter.
                              41. James Zebedee.
                              42. John Zebedee.
                              43. Philip.
                              44. Nathaniel.
                              45. Mathew Levi.
                              46. Thomas Didymus.
                              47. James and.
                              48. Simon the Zealot.
                              49. Judas Isacariot.
                              50. Judas Alpheus
                              Bonus. What is the companion of the Creator Son called?

                              • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
                                Gumpi Andrew Cohen shared a link

                                Project Proposal


                                Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind



                              FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA • It bares the objectives that are in line with the mission of the Urantia Book Fellowship. • It aims at leading the people of Urantia to righteousness. • It was found on the foundation of righteousness and light of the mighty Father. • All activities in it are based on the Urantia book. • We aim at outreaching the new revelation to the most local communities possible.