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  • Growing education among the hope faded by Nabimanya Daniel

    Growing education among the hope faded by Nabimanya Daniel

    Come we join hands to save Uganda new generations
  • Orphanage Program for Support of Education Access to Orphans

    Orphanage Program for Support of Education Access to Orphans

    Arigonza Fred Director Orphanage Program for Support of Education Access to Orphans
  • Fifth Epochal Revelation Fellowship Inc Dr. Roger W. Paul

    Fifth Epochal Revelation Fellowship Inc Dr. Roger W. Paul

    Dr. Roger W. Paul Fifth Epochal Revelation Inc Our Vision: Is to help all those who want to follow the will of The Father and increase the awareness of The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man as Michael so perfectly taught us.
  • Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

    Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

    Our Vision The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish. Our core belief is that everyone has intrinsic worth and something to contribute, and humanity has an extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.
  • URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN & GODWIN

    URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN &...

    Urantia Dihards Magara Benjamin Leader & Godwin Nasser Vice RAISING THE YOUNG CHILDREN IN GOD'S IMAGE THROUGH THE URANTIA REVELATIONS - MISSION; To restore the lost hope for the youth in Uganda. VISION; Improving the youth character, livelihood as well as their economic standards of living.
  • Alliance for Children and Community Transformation

    Alliance for Children and Community Transformation

    Thomas Mugobera - Alliance for Children and Community Transformation
  • Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group

    Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group

    Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group for Meeting and Learning Please Join us from around the world as we engage the study of new revelations and the Gospel of Jesus. - We will conduct a monthly ZOOM Meeting - Students and teachers of the Revelation are welcome to Join US.
  • Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving today's generation

    Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving today's generation

    In every generation of man his human teachers of truth appear on the earth and bring new and higher teachings about the gift of the Father (eternal life) and (the ministry of salvation) the gift of the Creator Son known on this world as Jesus Christ to every individual who receives these divine gifts. This group is to promote the works of these human teachers of truth who are now active in the world and ministering to today's generation. As well as to promote the new 5th epochal revelations recently received from Divine Sons of God on earth and disseminate these new teachings to all nations and to all peoples. Our Father (GOD) did indeed speak through Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea, but he did not cease to minister words of truth to the world when these prophets of old made an end of their utterances. Our Heavenly Father is no respecter of races or generations in that the word of truth is vouchsafed one age and withheld from another. Commit not the folly of calling that divine which is wholly human, and fail not to discern the words of truth which come not through the traditional oracles of supposed inspiration.


  • Pato's Spiritual Family

    Pato's Spiritual Family

    One World,One Family,One God, - The greatest of all methods of problem solving I have learned from Jesus, your Master. I refer to that which he so consistently practices, and which he has so faithfully taught you, the isolation of worshipful meditation. In this habit of Jesus’ going off so frequently by himself to commune with the Father in heaven is to be found the technique, not only of gathering strength and wisdom for the ordinary conflicts of living, but also of appropriating the energy for the solution of the higher problems of a moral and spiritual nature.
  • The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny

    The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny

    The reserve corps of destiny consists of living men and women who have been admitted to the special service of the superhuman administration of world affairs. This corps is made up of the men and women of each generation who are chosen by the spirit directors of the realm to assist in the conduct of the ministry of mercy and wisdom to the children of time on the evolutionary worlds. It is the general practice in the conduct of the affairs of the ascension plans to begin this liaison utilization of mortal will creatures immediately they are competent and trustworthy to assume such responsibilities. ● The gap between the material and spiritual worlds is perfectly bridged by the serial association of mortal man, secondary midwayer, primary midwayer, morontia cherubim, mid-phase cherubim, and seraphim. In the personal experience of an individual mortal these diverse levels are undoubtedly more or less unified and made personally meaningful by the unobserved and mysterious operations of the divine Thought Adjuster.
  • Site FAQs & How-To

    Site FAQs & How-To

    Discussions on how to use the various features of this website.
  • Training of Leaders and Teachers

    Training of Leaders and Teachers

    Effective and wise leadership. In civilization much, very much, depends on an enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit. Ten men are of little more value than one in lifting a great load unless they lift together -- all at the same moment. And such teamwork -- social co-operation -- is dependent on leadership. The cultural civilizations of the past and the present have been based upon the intelligent co-operation of the citizenry with wise and progressive leaders; and until man evolves to higher levels, civilization will continue to be dependent on wise and vigorous leadership. High civilizations are born of the sagacious correlation of material wealth, intellectual greatness, moral worth, social cleverness, and cosmic insight.