Owner: i Witness NEWS

Group members: 11



Things Hidden



So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.

  156:5.12 Kingdom believers should possess an implicit faith, a whole-souled belief, in the certain triumph of righteousness. Kingdom builders must be undoubting of the truth of the gospel of eternal salvation. Believers must increasingly learn how to step aside from the rush of life -- escape the harassments of material existence -- while they refresh the soul, inspire the mind, and renew the spirit by worshipful communion.


Ephesians 5

11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
    rise from the dead,
    and Christ will shine on you.”



"Though human beings differ in many ways, the one from another, before God and in the spiritual world all mortals stand on an equal footing. There are only two groups of mortals in the eyes of God: those who desire to do his will and those who do not. As the universe looks upon an inhabited world, it likewise discerns two great classes: those who know God and those who do not. Those who cannot know God are reckoned among the animals of any given realm. Mankind can appropriately be divided into many classes in accordance with differing qualifications, as they may be viewed physically, mentally, socially, vocationally, or morally, but as these different classes of mortals appear before the judgment bar of God, they stand on an equal footing; God is truly no respecter of persons. Although you cannot escape the recognition of differential human abilities and endowments in matters intellectual, social, and moral, you should make no such distinctions in the spiritual brotherhood of men when assembled for worship in the presence of God." 

The spiritually blind individual who logically follows scientific dictation, social usage, and religious dogma stands in grave danger of sacrificing his moral freedom and losing his spiritual liberty. This is what is exactly occurring in the planetary crisis of 2020 and the Roll Out of AGENDA 2021 "The Great Reset". Individuals submissive to these plans are destined to become an intellectual parrot, a social automaton, and a slave to religious authority.

Goodness is always growing toward new levels of the increasing liberty of moral self-realization and spiritual personality attainment -- the discovery of, and identification with, the indwelling Adjuster. An experience is good when it heightens the appreciation of beauty, augments the moral will, enhances the discernment of truth, enlarges the capacity to love and serve one's fellows, exalts the spiritual ideals, and unifies the supreme human motives of time with the eternal plans of the indwelling spirit of God. Our highest thought sorter and Adjuster, all of which lead directly to an increased desire to do the Father's will, thereby fostering the divine passion to find God and to be more like him.

This Group will expose the offspring of vipers on this world and their hidden plans to control and enslave all mankind to their so called Agenda 2021 Great Reset & New World Order. These unelected wealthy cabal are now engaged in a coup d'etat of all democratic Nations who have signed the 1992 Agenda 2021 agreement.

How dare the self-willed creature encroach upon the rights of his fellows in the name of personal liberty when the Supreme Rulers of the universe stand back in merciful respect for these prerogatives of will and potentials of personality! No being, in the exercise of his supposed personal liberty, has a right to deprive any other being of those privileges of existence conferred by the Creators and duly respected by all their loyal associates, subordinates, and subjects.

Jesus did not look with approval upon the refusal to employ force to protect the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical power. Shrewd, wicked, and designing men are not to be permitted to organize themselves for the exploitation and oppression of those who, because of their idealism, are not disposed to resort to force for self-protection or for the furtherance of their laudable life projects. 




Many in this day and generation have come to the parting of the ways; you have come to a beginning of the making of the inevitable choice between the will of the Father and the self-chosen ways of darkness. And as you now choose, so shall you eventually be. You must either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else will the tree become corrupt and its fruit corrupt. In the Father's eternal kingdom the tree is known by its fruits. But some living today are as vipers, how can you, having already chosen evil, bring forth good fruits? After all, out of the abundance of the evil in your hearts your mouths speak."


We should never forget these laws of relation to the Father's will:

  "Evil is the unconscious or unintended transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Evil is likewise the measure of the imperfectness of obedience to the Father's will.

  "Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Sin is the measure of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed.

  "Iniquity is the willful, determined, and persistent transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Iniquity is the measure of the continued rejection of the Father's loving plan of personality survival and the Sons' merciful ministry of salvation.

Said Jesus about those of iniquity:

"Woe upon you, children of evil! John did truly call you the offspring of vipers, and I ask how can you escape the judgment that John pronounced upon you?

The world is now engaged in a final battle between good and evil. The self elected Globalists, men of wealth, power and scientific technologies are attempting to either control or overthrow all democratically elected leaders of the many nations of the world and install themselves as the unelected new world dictators in what they call a Global Reset. This principality of evil; representatives of Lucifer have promised the wealthy and self elected leaders of this world that they should rule the world as supreme executives under the direction of the fallen one time prince of this world established as what is known as The New World Order. This cabal of oligarchs have been making plans for the seizure of all representative and democratic governments since the times of Christ. This is in direct opposition to the Most Highs who advocate that a True Type of Representative Government of Mankind should be established with Elected Leaders governing each Nation of the world and that these governments should be by the people, for the people and of the people. If one man is to be absolutely free, then another must become an absolute slave. And the relative nature of freedom is true socially, economically, and politically. Freedom is the gift of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW.

A true type of Representative Government must be functioning under these essentials and eventually unite the world family under a true representative and elected Government of all mankind under the following steps and stages.

 There are ten steps, or stages, to the evolution of a practical and efficient form of representative government, and these are:

71:2.5 1. Freedom of the person. Slavery, serfdom, and all forms of human bondage must disappear.

71:2.6 2. Freedom of the mind. Unless a free people are educated -- taught to think intelligently and plan wisely -- freedom usually does more harm than good.

71:2.7 3. The reign of law. Liberty can be enjoyed only when the will and whims of human rulers are replaced by legislative enactments in accordance with accepted fundamental law.

71:2.8 4. Freedom of speech. Representative government is unthinkable without freedom of all forms of expression for human aspirations and opinions.

71:2.9 5. Security of property. No government can long endure if it fails to provide for the right to enjoy personal property in some form. Man craves the right to use, control, bestow, sell, lease, and bequeath his personal property.

71:2.10 6. The right of petition. Representative government assumes the right of citizens to be heard. The privilege of petition is inherent in free citizenship.

71:2.11 7. The right to rule. It is not enough to be heard; the power of petition must progress to the actual management of the government.

71:2.12 8. Universal suffrage. Representative government presupposes an intelligent, efficient, and universal electorate. The character of such a government will ever be determined by the character and caliber of those who compose it. As civilization progresses, suffrage, while remaining universal for both sexes, will be effectively modified, regrouped, and otherwise differentiated.

71:2.13 9. Control of public servants. No civil government will be serviceable and effective unless the citizenry possess and use wise techniques of guiding and controlling officeholders and public servants.

71:2.14 10. Intelligent and trained representation. The survival of democracy is dependent on successful representative government; and that is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals who are technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit. Only by such provisions can government of the people, by the people, and for the people be preserved.






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Brief description: So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.

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So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.

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