Good News from Urantia Foundation from the Chinese National Family

Chinese Conference Generates Enthusiasm for The Urantia Book

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Fri, 12/18/2020
Vicki Heng Fan Yang
Vicki Heng Fan Yang

By Vicki Heng Fan Yang, Chinese Translation Team Member, California, United States

Editor’s Note: The October issue of News Online featured Vicki’s article about an online conference of Chinese students of A Course in Light (ACIL) who have become interested in learning more about The Urantia Book. Two days were filled with interesting presentations, prayer, and meditations. The third day featured follow-up questions about the revelation. To read the original article, please click here.

As promised in my last article, I would like to share some of the gratifying comments that I received from the participants of our first Chinese conference of prospective readers of The Urantia Book. I hope this heartwarming feedback will give you a glimpse of the fertile soil that awaits the seeds of the revelation in Mainland China and Taiwan. The enthusiasm of my students fuels my own as I continue to work with Richard Zhu on the Chinese translation of The Urantia Book into both Simplified and Traditional characters. I am also looking forward to planning and hosting another Urantia conference for Chinese-speaking readers in the near future.

Tina Liu

Tina Liu

Tina’s Observations

“Those three precious Saturdays were like a spiritual feast of inspiring topics. The speakers chose to focus on topics that would appeal to those of us who had not yet read the entire Urantia Book but had been exposed to the teachings through weekly quotes sent by Vicki.

“Richard Zhu’s talk about the ascending journey to Paradise clearly gave us a whole new picture of the Universal Father’s plan and the huge and detailed organization. As students of ACIL, we have been taught that ‘all is in perfect Divine order.’ What we accepted by faith before, The Urantia Book now gives us in detailed and concrete revelations!

“Both Mei Fong and Richard gave talks that were rich in content and wisdom, using examples, such as synonyms or analogies, to compare key concepts in The Urantia Book with familiar Chinese sayings from ancient books and classic scriptures. I appreciated their use of repeated, proven wisdom to help us increase understanding and build sincere faith. Universal truth rings true no matter at which time and in which culture.

“Last but not least, I would like to show my appreciation to Vicki, who has been sending us excerpts from The Urantia Book every Sunday for the past two years. Though difficult to follow in the beginning, they helped me to expand and upgrade my consciousness. The more I am involved, the more I love to read the book. And the more I read, the better I understand.”

Mandala by Tina Liu
“While listening to the talks, I was inspired to paint a Mandala ‘Flower of Life.’ My theme was, ‘We all come from the stars.’ I was trying to express my love and sense of belonging to the universe. From universes, stars, planets, time and space worlds, humans, to the plants in nature, we are all creations from the Creator. We are family!” ~ Tina



Fun’s Comments

“Having heard that Vicki Yang, the translator of A Course in Light, had suggested The Urantia Book as an advanced study course, I searched the Internet with curiosity. I did not find many Chinese references, so I stopped looking. Later, I joined a Urantia Book study group on WeChat. Though I slowly gained some degree of understanding, the giant book scared me. Without a Chinese translation, it would be impossible for me to read it.

“Fortunately, I discovered the conference, and signed up without hesitation. I was overjoyed with the three-day series, and many of my questions were answered. The timing of this conference was fortuitous. If it had been held two years earlier, I might not have understood it at all. There were high-quality speakers who helped bring me into this expanded belief system step by step. I was especially moved by Vicki’s and Richard Zhu’s devotion and contributions.

“Though most Chinese people may not be quite ready to read this book, I believe that in a few years more will be inspired by it. I believe a single spark can start a wildfire. So, I have set up a public account on social media, sharing some information. Although there are not yet many followers, with such a large Chinese population, it is inevitable and necessary that we will advance spiritually.”








Reactions from ChuLi

“I benefited a lot from the conference. It's like I was instantly expanded, and I heard the inner voice from deep within. I understood the meaning of my life. I gratefully decided that I will not only study The Urantia Book carefully, but I will also do my part to help share the wisdom of the revelators. We are looking forward to the Chinese version.”





Jane Luán


Jane Luán


Reflections from Jane Luán

“What is my life purpose? Where did I come from? For these questions, I have visited the top psychologists in Beijing. I have a good job, a happy family, a healthy body, and lovely children. Though I have worked hard to improve myself and contribute to society, I am not completely satisfied.

“In The Urantia Book, I discovered hope in the answers to questions that have plagued me since childhood. I know I can go home. This conference has changed my life, and I thank all of the presenters. From now on I will live on Earth/Urantia with passion.”







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