We have the answer. We have the message: the Kingdom of Heaven (a spiritual kingdom) is within each of us, we all have one Father in Heaven and we are all brothers and sisters of that same spiritual Father. It’s time we are about our Father’s...
What we need, I think, are more people who can become Urantian spiritual leaders—full-time spiritual workers like the apostles, not just mostly part-time disciples populating dwindling “societies” that struggle to attract enthusiastic members to...
May 18 is a good day to celebrate our universe's Jubilee of Jubilees. Mother, our Creative Spirit, becomes personally knowable by all contacting individuals. 34:2.1 To many universe types of being, even this representation of the Infinite Spirit...
Reflections from Jane Luán “In The Urantia Book, I discovered hope in the answers to questions that have plagued me since childhood. I know I can go home. This conference has changed my life, and I thank all of the presenters. From now on I will...
Today I fly to the UK to visit my Family and tomorrow we head to Accra Ghana with my youngest daughter Genika, to host another amazing Spiritual Gathering with my brothers and sisters from all over Africa! Giving Thanks ❤️
Todays Religions are in need of new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teachings. We must become these new teachers of Jesus' religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men. Then as spirit-born souls we may quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world.