Here on earth throughout our long 1,000,000 year history after the arrival of an evolutionary being with human will dignity (mankind) their have been beings from other of the whirling world's of space visit this world and alter its destiny. This...
Q● Religion: Is it possible that Gods were a more advanced civilization that came before humans?
A● There is a universal law of pedagogy wherein the more advanced Sons of God descend to the world’s of space to assist their younger ascending brothers and sisters to develop an advanced civilization in a vast and Grand Master Universe filled with inhabited whirling world’s of space.
PHOTO: Divine Sons visit Earth
It is not strange that this question is asked since the world is full of myths concerning the times when the Sons of God took to themselves the daughters of men.
We should also understand that by our faith we are also the sons and daughters of God, and that this gift is freely given to all who will receive it.
These legends are in fact the shadowy and garbled recollections of the days when more advanced sons of God came to this world; took on material garments of flesh modified but based upon the life plasm of the root race of this world (Canadian Northern peoples being the purest bloodline decedent’s of the Andonic root race of this world).
The serious obstacle to the good influence of such extraplanetary teachers is the tendency of mortals to regard them as gods, but aside from the technique of their appearance on earth the plantary staff of one hundred — fifty men and fifty women — did not resort to supernatural methods nor superhuman manipulations. (Only the Creator Sons of God have attained perfection of service and are worthy of worship)
These corporeal staff were nonetheless superhuman. They began their mission on Earth as extraordinary threefold beings. The one hundred were material but superhuman beings, having been reconstituted on earth as unique men and women of a high and special order.
They were corporeal and relatively human, for they embodied the actual life plasm of one of the human races, the Andonic life plasm of Earth. The fifty women and fifty men of this world who contributed their own life plasm for the creation of the material body of flesh for the one hundred were also modified to live on throughout the generations of man as assistant teachers to the one hundred by the technique of the energies of the “Tree of Life”. While of no value to the evolutionary races, this supersustenance of the tree of life was quite sufficient to confer continuous life upon the one hundred and also upon the one hundred modified Andonites who were associated with them. This was made possible with the modifications to the human form by Sons of God known as “Life Carriers” thus were they enabled to live on concurrently with the staff, century after century, in defiance of physical death. It is known presently throughout our Universe of the astounding devotion, loyalty and faithfulness of Amadon the Andonic tribesmen of earth who contributed his life germ to Van of the planetary staff. These two were the
spiritual heroes who were instrumental in resisting the Lucifer rebellion and establishing the first “Garden of Eden” on this world.
So superhuman beings actually lived on earth 500,000 years ago and again 37,000 years ago by a different technique. The first advancing civilization on this world created with their help fell into darkness and retrogression at the time of the Lucifer rebellion 200,000 years ago when the leader of these advanced sons of God serving here on this world entered fully into open rebellion against the plans of the Universal Father. Thirty six other world’s along with ours entered into spiritual darkness being quarantined from the normally progressing worlds. The 3 letter names in the Old Testament such as Van, Dan, Nod were in reference to the names of these more advanced unique men and women in actuality the sons of God who long ago came to earth.
So from 500,000 years ago to 37,000 years ago their were living on earth along with the evolutionary races of this world fifty women and fifty men along with the one hundred human associates of advanced training in the arts of advancing civilizations. The one hundred were originally from other of the evolutionary worlds of space similar to ours now serving with modified human beings from this world.
Long ago upon their death on their world these members of our planetary staff were awakened on the shores of the higher worlds and after training on hundreds of other higher worlds volunteered for service on this evolutionary world. They possessed souls of ascendant growth. During the mortal life in the flesh the soul is of embryonic estate; it is born (resurrected) in the morontia life (material & spiritual) and experiences growth through the successive higher worlds.
The citizen’s taking leave of this world will themselves at some future time in their universe careers have opportunities for such a bestowal of service upon some one of the younger evolutionary world’s in our system of worlds.
The first advanced civilization on this world had a library with over 1,000,000 records before the fall of the teaching regime of these advanced universe citizens 200,000 years ago.
A Tree brought from an advanced world called Edentia and known here on earth as the “Tree of Life” absorbed space energies unknown to man and produced fruit that enabled these fifty men and fifty women to live on throughout the generations of man. This fruit would only sustain the bodies of the one hundred staff and their human associates as their modified human garments of flesh had a second circulatory system designed to work with the space energies of this tree. And so these one hundred advanced teaching staff of our spiritual planetary government lived on for 300,000 years until open rebellion against God caused the loss of the fruit from the “Tree of Life” for those of this staff that entered into rebellion and their bodies aged and died as do the men of this world. The forty of these sons and daughters of God that remain loyal to the Father and their human associates took the heart of this tree and rebuilt a center for the continuing advance of civilization in expectation of the arrival of Adam and Eve a Son and Daughter of God living on a world known as Edentia. These loyal members of the teaching regime liven on until 37,000 years ago.
At the time of the arrival of the Space Transports with Adam and Eve 37,000 years ago these forty loyal staff were returned to the higher world’s. Before leaving this world they had with the help of over 3,000 men and woman of this world in 83 years constructed a city in Mesopotamia called the Garden of Eden capable of supporting a population of 1,000,000 citizens. The beauty of this city has never been surpassed in all the generations of man since that time. The “Tree of Life” also required by Adam and Eve to sustain their bodies was located in the courtyard of the Temple of the Father.
At the center of the Edenic peninsula was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred shrine of the Garden. To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of the educational system of the expected Son, while in the “east of Eden” were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and his immediate offspring. The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for one million human beings.
The Garden of Eden had thousands of miles of irrigation ditches and more than twelve thousand miles of paved paths and roads. There were a trifle over five thousand brick buildings in the various sectors, and the trees and plants were almost beyond number. Seven was the largest number of houses composing any one cluster in the park. And though the structures of the Garden were simple, they were most artistic. The roads and paths were well built, and the landscaping was exquisite.
The Garden of Eden was a gem of botanic beauty; and during the early days of Adam’s sojourn in Eden the whole Garden took on new form and assumed new proportions of beauty and grandeur. Never before this time nor after has this world harbored such a beautiful and replete exhibition of horticulture and agriculture.
It was the divine purpose and plan of Adam and Eve to raise up a family of 500,000 pure line decedents of these magnificent material beings who in actuality are the architype of the material races. Adam and Eve were truly eternal Divine Sons of God. On their home world they live on and on into the eternal future never knowing death.
It was the plan that when their Adamic family of pure line decedents reached 500,000 that these Adamic sons and daughters of God would go into the evolutionary men and woman of this world and produce a glorious race of advanced beings combining Evolutionary and Revelationary techniques of advancing the citizens of the evolutionary whirling world’s of space. Had this world not suffered a miscarriage of the Divine Plan for this world there would be two advanced cities on this world providing the model for all of humanity. Eve’s error was to give birth to Cain. Adam and Eve were forewarned that it was forbidden for the Divine Sons or Daughters of God to give birth to children other than their own. Eve was seduced by the mind manipulations of those in open rebellion against God to give birth to Cain whose father was not Adam but Cano a decedent of the Nodite planetary staff of one hundred. Thereby violating the divine plan that only Adam and Eve’s children were to intermarry with the earth races.
Unfortunately Nick because of the hardships caused by the Lucifer rebellion two hundred years after the arrival of Adam and Eve they fell into default of the Divine Plan for this world and once again retrogression in the advance of civilization loomed ahead. The world fell back into darkness and was not redeemed on a brighter path until 1,973 years before Christ when another Divine Son of God of the Melchizedek order took upon himself a material garment of flesh and bestowed himself upon our world.
He remained for 94 years and taught advanced truth to Abraham and 40 other advanced students who’s teachings formed the origins of the more advanced religions of the world. Followed by the actual appearance of our Paradise Creator Son 2,008 years ago and who remain on earth for 39 years teaching men and women that they were by their faith the sons and daughters of God. He brought to this world a religion unknown to man before that time. The religion of the spirit. Finding God for ourselves and in ourselves and by our own personal religious experience. Soon after His departure from this world He modified all of humanity that would receive Him through the bestowal of His Spirit of Truth making a new revelation to mankind of the Supreme Being. The experience of our organic, mindal and spiritual awareness of our divine destinies.
And you should know that these visitations of the Sons of God will continue throughout all the ages of man until this world becomes a true heaven on earth and enters fully into the Divine Plan and the seven ages of light and life. Had this world not been upset by rebellion and troubled by default the citizens of this world would have fully recognised our Creator Son 2008 years ago and entered into the first of the advancing stages of Light and Life upon His arrival.
If you are truly interested in knowing our world’s history, origins and the destiny of its citizens as well as your own spiritual heritage and destiny you can learn of it on the link below. As much that was lost through rebellion and default was returned in the years between 1933 and 1939 when many Divine Sons came to this world to fulfill a mandate that an Epochal Revelation of Truth be placed into the hands of the men and women living in this day and generation. And this was done in 1955 by members of the Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny.
A● Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is the conscious processing of the auditory stimuli that have been perceived through hearing. Listening differs from obeying. Parents...
This Event is a Moment Spent in the Company of and Witness of the Evolving
"Supreme Being"
The writer of the lyrics for this song understood that every citizen of this world has a spiritual destiny, an ideal life and a model...
"One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and...
Question asked you •
Q● Religion: Is it possible that Gods were a more advanced civilization that came before humans?
A● There is a universal law of pedagogy wherein the more advanced Sons of God descend to the world’s of space to assist their younger ascending brothers and sisters to develop an advanced civilization in a vast and Grand Master Universe filled with inhabited whirling world’s of space.
PHOTO: Divine Sons visit Earth
It is not strange that this question is asked since the world is full of myths concerning the times when the Sons of God took to themselves the daughters of men.
We should also understand that by our faith we are also the sons and daughters of God, and that this gift is freely given to all who will receive it.
These legends are in fact the shadowy and garbled recollections of the days when more advanced sons of God came to this world; took on material garments of flesh modified but based upon the life plasm of the root race of this world (Canadian Northern peoples being the purest bloodline decedent’s of the Andonic root race of this world).
The serious obstacle to the good influence of such extraplanetary teachers is the tendency of mortals to regard them as gods, but aside from the technique of their appearance on earth the plantary staff of one hundred — fifty men and fifty women — did not resort to supernatural methods nor superhuman manipulations. (Only the Creator Sons of God have attained perfection of service and are worthy of worship)
These corporeal staff were nonetheless superhuman. They began their mission on Earth as extraordinary threefold beings. The one hundred were material but superhuman beings, having been reconstituted on earth as unique men and women of a high and special order.
They were corporeal and relatively human, for they embodied the actual life plasm of one of the human races, the Andonic life plasm of Earth. The fifty women and fifty men of this world who contributed their own life plasm for the creation of the material body of flesh for the one hundred were also modified to live on throughout the generations of man as assistant teachers to the one hundred by the technique of the energies of the “Tree of Life”. While of no value to the evolutionary races, this supersustenance of the tree of life was quite sufficient to confer continuous life upon the one hundred and also upon the one hundred modified Andonites who were associated with them. This was made possible with the modifications to the human form by Sons of God known as “Life Carriers” thus were they enabled to live on concurrently with the staff, century after century, in defiance of physical death. It is known presently throughout our Universe of the astounding devotion, loyalty and faithfulness of Amadon the Andonic tribesmen of earth who contributed his life germ to Van of the planetary staff. These two were the
spiritual heroes who were instrumental in resisting the Lucifer rebellion and establishing the first “Garden of Eden” on this world.
So superhuman beings actually lived on earth 500,000 years ago and again 37,000 years ago by a different technique. The first advancing civilization on this world created with their help fell into darkness and retrogression at the time of the Lucifer rebellion 200,000 years ago when the leader of these advanced sons of God serving here on this world entered fully into open rebellion against the plans of the Universal Father. Thirty six other world’s along with ours entered into spiritual darkness being quarantined from the normally progressing worlds. The 3 letter names in the Old Testament such as Van, Dan, Nod were in reference to the names of these more advanced unique men and women in actuality the sons of God who long ago came to earth.
So from 500,000 years ago to 37,000 years ago their were living on earth along with the evolutionary races of this world fifty women and fifty men along with the one hundred human associates of advanced training in the arts of advancing civilizations. The one hundred were originally from other of the evolutionary worlds of space similar to ours now serving with modified human beings from this world.
Long ago upon their death on their world these members of our planetary staff were awakened on the shores of the higher worlds and after training on hundreds of other higher worlds volunteered for service on this evolutionary world. They possessed souls of ascendant growth. During the mortal life in the flesh the soul is of embryonic estate; it is born (resurrected) in the morontia life (material & spiritual) and experiences growth through the successive higher worlds.
The citizen’s taking leave of this world will themselves at some future time in their universe careers have opportunities for such a bestowal of service upon some one of the younger evolutionary world’s in our system of worlds.
The first advanced civilization on this world had a library with over 1,000,000 records before the fall of the teaching regime of these advanced universe citizens 200,000 years ago.
A Tree brought from an advanced world called Edentia and known here on earth as the “Tree of Life” absorbed space energies unknown to man and produced fruit that enabled these fifty men and fifty women to live on throughout the generations of man. This fruit would only sustain the bodies of the one hundred staff and their human associates as their modified human garments of flesh had a second circulatory system designed to work with the space energies of this tree. And so these one hundred advanced teaching staff of our spiritual planetary government lived on for 300,000 years until open rebellion against God caused the loss of the fruit from the “Tree of Life” for those of this staff that entered into rebellion and their bodies aged and died as do the men of this world. The forty of these sons and daughters of God that remain loyal to the Father and their human associates took the heart of this tree and rebuilt a center for the continuing advance of civilization in expectation of the arrival of Adam and Eve a Son and Daughter of God living on a world known as Edentia. These loyal members of the teaching regime liven on until 37,000 years ago.
At the time of the arrival of the Space Transports with Adam and Eve 37,000 years ago these forty loyal staff were returned to the higher world’s. Before leaving this world they had with the help of over 3,000 men and woman of this world in 83 years constructed a city in Mesopotamia called the Garden of Eden capable of supporting a population of 1,000,000 citizens. The beauty of this city has never been surpassed in all the generations of man since that time. The “Tree of Life” also required by Adam and Eve to sustain their bodies was located in the courtyard of the Temple of the Father.
At the center of the Edenic peninsula was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred shrine of the Garden. To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of the educational system of the expected Son, while in the “east of Eden” were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and his immediate offspring. The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for one million human beings.
The Garden of Eden had thousands of miles of irrigation ditches and more than twelve thousand miles of paved paths and roads. There were a trifle over five thousand brick buildings in the various sectors, and the trees and plants were almost beyond number. Seven was the largest number of houses composing any one cluster in the park. And though the structures of the Garden were simple, they were most artistic. The roads and paths were well built, and the landscaping was exquisite.
The Garden of Eden was a gem of botanic beauty; and during the early days of Adam’s sojourn in Eden the whole Garden took on new form and assumed new proportions of beauty and grandeur. Never before this time nor after has this world harbored such a beautiful and replete exhibition of horticulture and agriculture.
It was the divine purpose and plan of Adam and Eve to raise up a family of 500,000 pure line decedents of these magnificent material beings who in actuality are the architype of the material races. Adam and Eve were truly eternal Divine Sons of God. On their home world they live on and on into the eternal future never knowing death.
It was the plan that when their Adamic family of pure line decedents reached 500,000 that these Adamic sons and daughters of God would go into the evolutionary men and woman of this world and produce a glorious race of advanced beings combining Evolutionary and Revelationary techniques of advancing the citizens of the evolutionary whirling world’s of space. Had this world not suffered a miscarriage of the Divine Plan for this world there would be two advanced cities on this world providing the model for all of humanity. Eve’s error was to give birth to Cain. Adam and Eve were forewarned that it was forbidden for the Divine Sons or Daughters of God to give birth to children other than their own. Eve was seduced by the mind manipulations of those in open rebellion against God to give birth to Cain whose father was not Adam but Cano a decedent of the Nodite planetary staff of one hundred. Thereby violating the divine plan that only Adam and Eve’s children were to intermarry with the earth races.
Unfortunately Nick because of the hardships caused by the Lucifer rebellion two hundred years after the arrival of Adam and Eve they fell into default of the Divine Plan for this world and once again retrogression in the advance of civilization loomed ahead. The world fell back into darkness and was not redeemed on a brighter path until 1,973 years before Christ when another Divine Son of God of the Melchizedek order took upon himself a material garment of flesh and bestowed himself upon our world.
He remained for 94 years and taught advanced truth to Abraham and 40 other advanced students who’s teachings formed the origins of the more advanced religions of the world. Followed by the actual appearance of our Paradise Creator Son 2,008 years ago and who remain on earth for 39 years teaching men and women that they were by their faith the sons and daughters of God. He brought to this world a religion unknown to man before that time. The religion of the spirit. Finding God for ourselves and in ourselves and by our own personal religious experience. Soon after His departure from this world He modified all of humanity that would receive Him through the bestowal of His Spirit of Truth making a new revelation to mankind of the Supreme Being. The experience of our organic, mindal and spiritual awareness of our divine destinies.
And you should know that these visitations of the Sons of God will continue throughout all the ages of man until this world becomes a true heaven on earth and enters fully into the Divine Plan and the seven ages of light and life. Had this world not been upset by rebellion and troubled by default the citizens of this world would have fully recognised our Creator Son 2008 years ago and entered into the first of the advancing stages of Light and Life upon His arrival.
If you are truly interested in knowing our world’s history, origins and the destiny of its citizens as well as your own spiritual heritage and destiny you can learn of it on the link below. As much that was lost through rebellion and default was returned in the years between 1933 and 1939 when many Divine Sons came to this world to fulfill a mandate that an Epochal Revelation of Truth be placed into the hands of the men and women living in this day and generation. And this was done in 1955 by members of the Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny.