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    • Paul Kemp Administrator
      Paul Kemp Administrator added the photo Sketch96103545.png to the album Blog & Page Images
      • Sketch96103545.png
      • The Strange Preacher
        The Strange Preacher published a blog post The Great Source
            “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” ― Nikola Tesla Most spiritual...
        • The Strange Preacher
          The Strange Preacher added the photo The Great Source to the album Images for Articles
          • The Great Source
          • The Strange Preacher
            The Strange Preacher published a blog post Heavenly Things
            In John 3:12 we read these intriguing lines: “I have told you of earthly things and you have not believed; how much more so would you not believe were I to tell you of heavenly things?” This sentence teaches us much about the Master’s mission on...
            • The Strange Preacher
              The Strange Preacher published a blog post The Devil's Milk
              The Devil’s Milk is an expression I use to symbolise that addictive and disorienting chemical soup that our brain releases during times of stress. While there are many studies that highlight the toxic nature of this Milk, its true danger lies not so...
              • Monica Kemp
                By Monica Kemp

                Your prose carries such clarification of your salient and so important ideas, Barry, it is a pleasure to be transported to the intelligent realm in which you reside with your indwelling Spirits. Thank you.

              • The Strange Preacher
                The Strange Preacher added the photo The Struggle to the album Images for Articles
                • The Struggle
                • Robert Walugosi

                  Hello, my name is Byakika Argrey

                  Hello, my name is Kamparinah Joseph

                  Hello, my name is Maido Gerad

                  Hello, my name is Nabirye Patiency

                  Hello, my name is Akelo Eve

                  Hello, my name is Numugolo Ruth.

                  Hello, my name is Nambi Patricia.

                  Hello, my name is Abel Musoga

                  Hello, my name is Wako Deric

                  Hello, my name is Gessy Galiku.

                  • Robert Walugosi
                    To Love is to Care is to Act.
                    • Robert Walugosi
                      By Robert Walugosi


                      Hello, my name is Waiswa Mwembe 


                      Hello, my name is Deyongela Kabedah 


                      Hello, my name is Nabongo Yusuf


                       Hello, my name is Nabirye Tracy 


                       Hello, my name is Aneno Sabela


                       Hello, my name is Nabirye Tracy


                      Hello, my name is Mutonto Rouge


                      Hello, my name is Mugoya Gerald


                      Hello, my name is Kasule Faizo


                      Hello, my name is Nabirye Base


                    • Robert Walugosi
                      By Robert Walugosi

                      Hello my name is Nabirye Annet










                    • Beth

                      Hello kids! It's good to meet you.

                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                      Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru is now a friend with David Onche
                        Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                          David Onche
                          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                            Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru is now a friend with David Onche
                              Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                                David Onche
                                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                  Quotes -Art - Thought Gems

                                  Melchizedek Schools


                                  Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind

                                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru



                                    She is in primary class. In her talks she says she wants to become a nurse in the future after her studies. February 22,2017


                                    She is in primary 3 class. She wants to become an accountant in her future stories. She has been with is for two years since 2014. February 22,2017



                                    She is in primary 5 class. She wants to become a social worker in the future. She has been with us for one and a half years since 2015. She is HIV positive. February 22,2017


                                    He is in primary 3 class and he wants to become a traffic officer. He has been with us one year since. February 22,2017


                                    She wants to become a journalist in the future and she has spent eight months down the road. February 22,2017


                                    She is in Top class nursery level. She is funny that she wants to become an actress like Angerina Julie. She likes her so much. She has been with us for two months. And of recent we took her to a foster home. But under our responsibility. February 22,2017


                                    She is primary 5 class. She wants to become a Doctor. She is ever silent and silently wise. She has been with us for one year and nine months. February 22,2017


                                    She is Top class and she likes to become Michael Jackson though she at times said it right, that she wants to become a teacher. February 22,2017


                                    He is HIV/AIDS positive. He is in primary 2 class. He has consumed with us six months. February 22,2017


                                    He is in primary 4 class. He promises me that he will be an electrician in his future life. He likes football. He ha been with us two years now. February 22,2017


                                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                                      Many, many times during his years of teaching, Jesus told and retold this story of the prodigal son. This parable and the story of the good Samaritan were his favorite means of teaching the love of the Father and the neighborliness of man.
                                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                        By Paul Kemp Administrator


                                        She is in primary three class. She is an AIDS orphan and every after sometime we bring her drugs from the main hospital.  February 22,2017    


                                        Here is Jacob Musenero, he is three years old. He is in primary one class. He has been here for six months.  February 22,2017  


                                        He is Samson, he is five years old. He is in primary two class. He would like to become a teacher.  February 22,2017 



                                        He is Duncan, here he has been just from school. He is in primary three class and he has been with us for one year so far.  February 22,2017 

                                        He is called Maganda, he is now five years old in his primary two class. He is a slow learner but he can't forget what is told to him.  February 22,2017 


                                        Here is Nellyson who is four years old. He is in primary one class.  

                                        February 22,2017


                                        Here is Brian, he is at five years old. He is ever shabby but at times tries his level best to be neat. He is in primary three class and has been with us for two years February 22,2017   


                                        Here is Joshua Kato. He is at age of three years now. He is orphaned by one parent but  his mom is very down so she had taken this boy to the grandparents in the village. when we had gone for an outreach that is when we came across him not even going to school and right now here we are. He wants to be a photographer in the future. February 22,2017  


                                        He is Sampson whom we had just hosted as recent. He has had all parents gone, and he has only us as parents. He is a disciplined boy and obedient.  February 22,2017  



                                        She is Peace Nalukwago, she is lucky to be with us and we are so lucky as well to be with Peace. She is an orphan of all parents. She is in nursery class at age three years old. She makes us just feel good when we are with her having fun around. February 22,2017


                                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                                        By Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru


                                        Here is Mercy, she is four years old, in primary two class. She wants to become a model in the future.  February 22,2017  


                                        Here is Isabirye Rogers, he is in primary one class, he is so understanding when being told to do something. He wants to become a radio presenter. February 22,201 


                                        He is Mukembo Geofrey, he is at 12 years old. He is in primary six class. He has been with us for two years now. He wants to become an architect in the future. February 22,2017


                                        He is called Allan, he is six years old in primary two, he has been with us for two years down the road, in his words he wants to become a Pastor in the future. February 22,2017   


                                        Here is Arafat, he is six years old, he is in primary one class, he wants to become a technician in the future. He has been with u for one year here. February 22,2017  


                                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                        By Paul Kemp Administrator

                                        The Good Samaritan

                                        Why the only future worth building includes everyone | Pope Francis

                                        TED TALK

                                      • Bill Bricker
                                        Bill Bricker published a blog post Mota #17 Ambition ~
                                        actual action of goodness creates real virtue
                                        • Bill Bricker
                                          Bill Bricker published a blog post We Who Believe
                                          We who believe have a solid Inner foundation to stand on in our life.
                                          • Bill Bricker
                                            Bill Bricker published a blog post Music has power a whole world to transform
                                            Sometimes when I'm in the right mood, or trying to get in the right mood, I listen to music. It seems to help me reach deep inside and touch something that is special.
                                            • Bill Bricker
                                              Bill Bricker created a new photo album Photos - Pages - Blogs - Profile
                                              • Music has power a whole world to transform
                                              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru


                                                A time to sing!




                                                Cutting hair becomes a necessity in a hot climate without proper facilities for bathing and washing.



                                                Even the little ones take part in the imaginary journey to faraway places.



                                                Even the little ones take part in the imaginary journey to faraway places.




                                                Even the little ones take part in the imaginary journey to faraway places.




                                                Even the little ones take part in the imaginary journey to faraway places.



                                                A new dress for a young lady. Thank you for your kindness!



                                                These ones will look just fine on me!



                                                The child can never attain their true potentials in life without the benefit of a proper education! Each year we must raise funds for books, utilities, uniforms and transportation in order that each and every one of these little ones can reach for an ideal life and model career through learning as well as a proper understanding of the nobility of work made possible through education. 



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