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          Kahlil Gibran makes a similar statement of these facts in his poems.

          I Tell you that the children of yesteryear are walking in the funeral of the era which they created for themselves. 

          They are pulling a rotting rope that may break soon and cause them to drop into a forgotten abyss. I say that they are living in homes with weak foundations. As the storm blows - and it is about to blow - their homes will fall upon their heads and thus become their tombs. I say that all their thoughts, their sayings, their quarrels, their compositions, their books and all their works are nothing but chains dragging them because they are too weak to pull the load.


          But the children of tomorrow are the ones called by life, and they follow it with steady steps and heads high. They are the dawn of the new frontiers; no smoke will veil their eyes and no jingle of chains will drown out their voices. They are few in number but the difference is as between a grain of wheat and a stack of hay. No one knows them but they know each other. They are like the summits, which can see and hear each other - not like caves, which cannot hear or see. They are the seed dropped by the hand of God in the field, breaking through its pod and waving its sapling leaves before the face of the sun. It shall grow into a mighty tree; its roots in the heart of the Earth and its branches high in the sky.



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            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                  "The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty... Thy throne is established from of old..." (Psalm 93:1a;2a).   In the person of the Creator Son we have a ruler and divine parent who is just as mighty, efficient, and beneficent as...
              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                  In My Own Humble Opinion........   Living in the here and now known as being in the present moment is more than capable in eliminating our worries by dissolving challenges mentality and it will present way/s and spiritual insights as to...
                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                  Who Is The True Light Of The World?   Jesus Christ is The True Light Of The world, the desire of all ages, the open door to eternal salvation, Who Is The True Light Of The World? Is The True Light Of The World? the reality of endless life and...
                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    A thrilling Faith affirmation Of Jesus Christ!!!


                    Is This Not Applicable To All?


                    The Faith Of Jesus: Jesus, The Urantia Book, (133:1.4).


                    "I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me — this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite of all appearances to the contrary."


                    May we be able to thank and praise Him, and then seek earnestly to live fully for Him in all our days!!!



                    Abegunde Julius Taiwo.


                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                      Paul Kemp Administrator added 4 photos to the album We Are Not Alone in the Universe in the group ET News
                      • Majestic Beings
                      • Majestic Beings
                      • Revelations
                      • We Are Not Alone In The Grand Universe
                      • David Onche
                        There are many burdens in our lives that we all carry. Some are burdens that we find at work, some are burdens that we find in paying the bills, and some are found in maintaining healthy relationships. And yet some other burdens strike even deeper...
                        • Paul Kemp Administrator
                          Paul Kemp Administrator added 10 photos to the album We Are Not Alone in the Universe in the group ET News
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Majestic
                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                            Paul Kemp Administrator created a new photo album We Are Not Alone in the Universe in the group ET News
                            • Majestic
                            • Paul Kemp Administrator
                              For today's human teachers of truth!

                              What does it mean "to be a Urantia Book Teacher and Leader?"


                              Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind

                              • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                Paul Kemp Administrator provided an answer for the question Why must we be grateful and joyous to the universe?
                                This Video is a good answer to this question!
                                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                  The Talk with Nathaniel     And then went Jesus over to Abila, where Nathaniel and his associates labored. Nathaniel was much bothered by some of Jesus’ pronouncements which seemed to detract from the authority of the recognized Hebrew...
                                  • Joshua Ben Joseph
                                    Q● What did Jesus say to Nathaniel when he asked Jesus "Master, could you trust me to know the truth about the Scriptures? " In every generation God reveals new truth to the sincere truth seeker. Divine truth is not vouchsafe one age and witheld...
                                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                      We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● Their are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of worlds ● The Master Universe is filled with inhabited whirling world's of space. ● Visit our Blog One can achieve a real understanding of the nature and character...
                                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                        Do we Love Others As We Love Ourselves?


                                        Do We Love Others As We Love Ourselves?


                                        How we appear on the outside is not what really counts it is all about the condition of our hearts.


                                        “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:14).


                                        Truly Indeed, the most beautiful attire is not found in designer clothes/wares or the latest styles, it is the light of the truth shining from the inside out/within us for all to see matters most.

                                        Only a God-knowing individual can love another person as he loves himself. ~ The Urantia Book, (Paper 16:9.8).


                                        May The Trust in The Love Of God becomes the ultimate lubricant that makes everything in our Lives easier, thereby making every of our relationship with self ,others and God flow smoothly.



                                        Abegunde Julius Taiwo.



                                        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                                          Do We Love Others As We Love Ourselves?   How we appear on the outside is not what really counts it is all about the condition of our hearts.   “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.”...
                                          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                            How can we respond to God's invitation?


                                            How can we respond to God's invitation?


                                            Recognizing self as the breath/inspiration of Almighty gingered our attention in response to His invitation ,our level of understanding as a being of the spirit in mortal body will explain how we can personally begin our true relationship with God Almighty.


                                            "There lives within every human mind a divine spirit, the gift of the Father in heaven. This good spirit ever strives to lead us to God, to help us to find God and to know God." Jesus, P147 133:3.7.


                                            But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Job 32:8.


                                            Our trying to get closer to God through our own efforts, is liable to be in futility and this is inevitably sure because God Almighty is a spirit and we must worship/seek Him in spirit and in truth.


                                            Through Seeking and listening attention in hearken to His instruction alone, may we know and experience God's love and plan for our lives. 



                                            Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                            How do you Respond?



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