Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      19:5.8 Of more than twelve orders of beings associated with me at this time, the Solitary Messenger is the only one aware of the presence of these mysterious entities of the Trinity. And further, while we are thus apprised of the nearness of these divine Spirits, we are all equally ignorant of their mission. We really do not know whether they are merely interested observers of our doings, or whether they are, in some manner unknown to us, actually contributing to the success of our undertaking.


      Here we go another day

      Beauty tinged to start our way.

      Blue skies cover all the sky

      And sunlight dances in our eyes.

      Goodness grows within our chest

      I know in Heaven there is rest.

      For now, we have so much to do

      Just to live in peace with You.

      War and peace, so opposite.

      War seems our natural habitat.

      A world without war lives in peace.

      Can we achieve that and eat that feast?

      Do you lead if you don’t care

      About those lead, and if you’re fair?

      Where you lead them, is it good?

      Are you doing as you should?

      Stand for Love and do some Good.

      This world needs more than shoulds and coulds!

      We need to be as we envision.

      Perfecting better lives, our mission.

      So yes, there’s much to do today.

      A shift in how our mission sways

      Those opposed to loving kindness.

      We’ll sway them with their own refinement.

      Thank You, Father, Love will be

      The way this world finds victory.

      Your Book is here, Your Son has come,

      Our mission, here now, is not done.

      Paul Anderson
