Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      130:3.7 Jesus and Ganid spent much time in the museum during their stay in Alexandria. This museum was not a collection of rare objects but rather a university of fine art, science, and literature. Learned professors here gave daily lectures, and in those times this was the intellectual center of the Occidental world. Day by day Jesus interpreted the lectures to Ganid; one day during the second week the young man exclaimed: “Teacher Joshua, you know more than these professors; you should stand up and tell them the great things you have told me; they are befogged by much thinking. I shall speak to my father and have him arrange it.” Jesus smiled, saying: “You are an admiring pupil, but these teachers are not minded that you and I should instruct them. The pride of unspiritualized learning is a treacherous thing in human experience. The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner.”


      The day begins with updates on.

      They do download and sing their song.

      In the background they install

      Complete their missions, one and all

      Automatic if it works.

      So nice and easy, but with quirks.

      Any update may cause change

      And how you work upon your stage.

      Perhaps a different click or two.

      It has to work by different routes.

      Time to learn a brand new way

      Of doing what’s done every day.

      Open up your mind and see

      A path that leads increasingly

      To enhancing/helping all around.

      A plan with love involved is sound.

      So yes, these updates are to help.

      You do more work once you’ve dealt

      With learning brand new ways of doing.

      Improving how you have been grooving?

      Trust the update is to help

      Someone spent time giving of themsellf.

      See if you can grok their thinking.

      Perhaps they’ll be something worth seeing.

      Thank You, Father, I know in time

      Things work out, You are Divine.

      Until then, by Faith and Trust

      We’re going to learn so very much!

      Paul Anderson
