Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      65:2.1 The story of man’s ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. Man’s primordial ancestors were literally the slime and ooze of the ocean bed in the sluggish and warm-water bays and lagoons of the vast shore lines of the ancient inland seas, those very waters in which the Life Carriers established the three independent life implantations on Urantia.


      Very cold outside today.

      Deceiving as the sun does play.

      Its slanted rays don’t have much strength.

      The day’s not long, it is condensed.

      So, daylight isn’t long today.

      With shorter days, long nights display.

      The world cools when it’s in shadow.

      Where life exists, the range is narrow.

      We withstand the cold of winter.

      We do better in the summer.

      But life on earth continues on.

      These life cycles make us strong.

      We have adapted to this earth.

      Many cycles are adverse.

      But we have found best ways to live.

      We enjoy the lands You give.

      A steady course, I see ahead.

      We improve the ways we tread.

      We’re always finding better ways.

      Adapting to suns weakened rays.

      Winters come and winters go.

      This weather cycle we well know.

      Cold will yield to summer heat.

      In summer winter finds defeat

      Thank You, Father, for Your plan.

      Your Will will reign throughout our land.

      The cycles of our planets course

      Are ruled by You, our Divine source.

      Paul Anderson
