Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

      149:2.14 On both friends and foes he exercised a strong and peculiarly fascinating influence. Multitudes would follow him for weeks, just to hear his gracious words and behold his simple life. Devoted men and women loved Jesus with a well-nigh superhuman affection. And the better they knew him the more they loved him. And all this is still true; even today and in all future ages, the more man comes to know this God-man, the more he will love and follow after him.

      Groundhog Futures
      The sun will shine as morning comes.
      This world revolves, then day is done.
      One revolution marks each day.
      The March of Time goes on its way.

      As we live, we go through time.
      We scrub ourselves so so we can shine.
      Improving in our given station.
      Uniting each and every nation?

      The groundhog certainly sees his shadow.
      The sun will shine without bravado.
      Little heat but lots of light
      And yet it’s colder come the night.

      We’re not yet in the Spring of life.
      This world is gripped by Winter nights.
      But as we progress, Spring will come.
      This world revolves around its sun.

      Someday our “Social Spring” will come.
      Love will flower, they’ll be no guns.
      We’ll unite to do God’s Will.
      And with our souls, God’s Love will fill.

      Someday the nations will unite. .
      In the future, they won’t fight.
      Harmony will sing its song.
      We’ll look for ways to right our wrongs.

      Thank You Father, for this time.
      Your Will will take us to Divine.
      But first, we must decide to be
      And work towards Love’s reality!