Bishop Moses Kaharwa's Wall

    • Bishop Moses Kaharwa


      Well ,We can look at the two terms in such a simpler way as below :

      Thought Adjuster:

      1. A divine spark from God.
      2. A spiritual fragment of the Universal Father.
      3. A personal guide and teacher.
      4. A helper to achieve spiritual growth.
      That ;
      - Inner voice guiding you.
      - Conscience that knows right from wrong.
      - Personal mentor for spiritual progress.

      Well as ;

      Mystery Monitor:

      A Mystery Monitor is another term for the Thought Adjuster, emphasizing its mysterious and divine nature.

      - The Thought Adjuster indwells your mind and spirit.
      - It helps you make decisions and choose God's will.
      - Its presence fosters spiritual growth, wisdom, and character development.

      Look at it in this way also:

      Thought Adjuster = Inner Divine Guide
      Mystery Monitor = Divine Spark within

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        Interesting! I never thought to make a distinction between the two terms - identity /function/purpose difference?

        When I "commune" with my Ta, I am thinking him for his Heavenly Help, tireless toil, careful custody, patient teaching, loving leading, watchful worker and being my perfect partner...these are from 110:1.2...

        "These heavenly helpers (Monitors) are dedicated to the stupendous task of guiding you safely inward and upward to the celestial haven of happiness. These tireless toilers are consecrated to the future personification of the triumph of divine truth in your life everlasting. They are the watchful workers who pilot the God-conscious human mind away from the shoals of evil while expertly guiding the evolving soul of man toward the divine harbors of perfection on far-distant and eternal shores. The Adjusters are loving leaders, your safe and sure guides through the dark and uncertain mazes of your short earthly career; they are the patient teachers who so constantly urge their subjects forward in the paths of progressive perfection. They are the careful custodians of the sublime values of creature character. I wish you could love them more, co-operate with them more fully, and cherish them more affectionately."

      • Soren K Vestergaard
        By Soren K Vestergaard

        The Thought Adjuster, a concept from The Urantia Book, is given various names throughout the text, reflecting different aspects of its nature and role. I know of 15 different names given the TA! Moses has a good case :)

      • Soren K Vestergaard
        By Soren K Vestergaard

        Here are names the TA is known by: Mystery Monitor, Divine Indweller, God Fragment, Spirit of God, Pilot Light, Inner Guide, Father Fragment, Adjuster, Indwelling Spirit, Spirit Within, Monitor, Indwelling Presence, Silent Partner, Soul Adjuster, Divine Spark.