Bishop Moses Kaharwa's Wall

    • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

      SURGEON Once said;

      "You will never know the FULNESS of Christ until you know the EMPTINESS of everything without Christ"

      The Meaning:

      1. True fulfillment and purpose come only from a personal relationship with Christ (Jesus).
      2. Seeking happiness and meaning outside of God's will leads to emptiness and dissatisfaction.
      3. Recognizing the inadequacy of worldly pursuits and human achievements (emptiness) is a precursor to discovering Christ's transformative power (fullness).

      The Urantia Book Concepts:

      1. Inner emptiness: A natural result of separating from God's will (Paper 103:5.1-2).
      2. Spiritual hunger: A drive to seek true fulfillment in Christ (Paper 100:5.2).
      3. Cosmic citizenship: Recognizing Christ as the foundation of spiritual identity (Paper 140:10).

      This statement encourages seekers to:

      1. Acknowledge the limitations of worldly pursuits.
      2. Seek Christ as the source of true fulfillment.
      3. Experience spiritual transformation through a personal relationship with Jesus.

      • Bishop Moses Kaharwa


        Well ,We can look at the two terms in such a simpler way as below :

        Thought Adjuster:

        1. A divine spark from God.
        2. A spiritual fragment of the Universal Father.
        3. A personal guide and teacher.
        4. A helper to achieve spiritual growth.
        That ;
        - Inner voice guiding you.
        - Conscience that knows right from wrong.
        - Personal mentor for spiritual progress.

        Well as ;

        Mystery Monitor:

        A Mystery Monitor is another term for the Thought Adjuster, emphasizing its mysterious and divine nature.

        - The Thought Adjuster indwells your mind and spirit.
        - It helps you make decisions and choose God's will.
        - Its presence fosters spiritual growth, wisdom, and character development.

        Look at it in this way also:

        Thought Adjuster = Inner Divine Guide
        Mystery Monitor = Divine Spark within

        • Monica Kemp
          By Monica Kemp

          Interesting! I never thought to make a distinction between the two terms - identity /function/purpose difference?

          When I "commune" with my Ta, I am thinking him for his Heavenly Help, tireless toil, careful custody, patient teaching, loving leading, watchful worker and being my perfect partner...these are from 110:1.2...

          "These heavenly helpers (Monitors) are dedicated to the stupendous task of guiding you safely inward and upward to the celestial haven of happiness. These tireless toilers are consecrated to the future personification of the triumph of divine truth in your life everlasting. They are the watchful workers who pilot the God-conscious human mind away from the shoals of evil while expertly guiding the evolving soul of man toward the divine harbors of perfection on far-distant and eternal shores. The Adjusters are loving leaders, your safe and sure guides through the dark and uncertain mazes of your short earthly career; they are the patient teachers who so constantly urge their subjects forward in the paths of progressive perfection. They are the careful custodians of the sublime values of creature character. I wish you could love them more, co-operate with them more fully, and cherish them more affectionately."

        • Soren K Vestergaard
          By Soren K Vestergaard

          The Thought Adjuster, a concept from The Urantia Book, is given various names throughout the text, reflecting different aspects of its nature and role. I know of 15 different names given the TA! Moses has a good case :)

        • Soren K Vestergaard
          By Soren K Vestergaard

          Here are names the TA is known by: Mystery Monitor, Divine Indweller, God Fragment, Spirit of God, Pilot Light, Inner Guide, Father Fragment, Adjuster, Indwelling Spirit, Spirit Within, Monitor, Indwelling Presence, Silent Partner, Soul Adjuster, Divine Spark.

        • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

          This means that having a clear vision or goal is often accompanied by the necessary resources or means to achieve it.

          1. Paper 111:0.2 - "The vision of God is the vehicle for the conveyance of the divine truth."

          1. Paper 148:5.4 - "When you have a single-minded and sacred purpose, the universe conspires to grant you the necessary means."

          1. Paper 181:1.5 - "Faith generates courage, and courage produces boldness, and boldness brings the realization of the vision."

          The Urantia Book emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and purpose in achieving spiritual growth and realizing one's goals. This vision should be aligned with divine will and guided by faith.

          1. Vision and purpose attract divine provision.
          2. Faith and courage are essential for realizing one's vision.
          3. Alignment with divine will ensures access to necessary resources.

          • Monica Kemp
            By Monica Kemp

            All great, brother! We need to realize that just having faith that God will help us, is not magic! He will help us if:

            - purpose must be pure. Your motive must be divine. Your ideal must be spiritual. Your ambition must be altruistic. Your procedure must be based on love, and your goal of attainment must be the will of the Father in heaven. (Modified from 158:6.3)

            In other words^ he needs ALL of our body, mind and spirit to HELP him help us!!

          • Bishop Moses Kaharwa


            Forgiveness and Healing

            -"Forgiveness is the price of spiritual peace and divine happiness." (Paper 144:3.3)
            - "When you forgive your brother, you release yourself from the bondage of resentment." (Paper 170:2.17)

            Letting Go and Growth

            * "The measure of spiritual growth is the ability to give up attachments." (Paper 100:4.3)
            * "The greatest hindrance to spiritual progress is the tendency to hold on to old ideas." (Paper 92:4.6)

            How Relevance is it to us ?:

            1. Emotional Freedom: Forgiveness releases emotional burdens, allowing inner healing.

            2. Mental Clarity: Letting go of grudges and negative thoughts clears mental space.

            3. Spiritual Growth:
            Forgiveness and release foster a deeper connection with God and oneself.

            4. Healthy Relationships:
            Forgiveness promotes empathy, understanding, and reconciliation.

            5. Personal Transformation:
            Letting go of past hurts enables growth, renewal, and self-improvement.

            * Forgiveness is not forgetting but releasing emotional charge. (Paper 140:6.10)
            * True forgiveness involves understanding and compassion. (Paper 144:3.3)

            Embrace forgiveness and letting go to heal, grow, and experience spiritual peace!

            • Bishop Moses Kaharwa


              The Urantia book offers Valuable insights on the above;

              Retaliation vs. Spiritual Maturity:

              "Return good for evil, love for hate, and mercy for cruelty." (Paper 131, Section 3)

              "The spirit of retaliation is incompatible with the spirit of the kingdom of heaven." (Paper 140, Section 6)

              Character and Spiritual Nature:

              "Character is the aggregate of all moral, intellectual, and spiritual traits which constitute the individual." (Paper 16, Section 7)

              "Your true character is not revealed by your reactions to difficult situations, but by your responses to them." (Paper 131, Section 5)

              Reacting vs. Responding:

              "To react is to act instinctively, without thoughtful consideration; to respond is to act intelligently, with spiritual discernment." (Paper 110, Section 4)

              The Power of Forgiveness

              'Forgiveness is the price of spiritual freedom." (Paper 140, Section 6)

              "Forgiveness does not excuse wrongdoing, but rather releases the wrongdoer from your personal condemnation." (Paper 131, Section 3)

              The New Revelations emphasizes:

              1. Spiritual maturity requires self-control and forgiveness.
              2. Retaliation and revenge are incompatible with spiritual growth.
              3. Character is shaped by responses to challenging situations.
              4. Forgiveness releases us from negative emotions and spiritual bondage.

              Reflective Questions:

              1. How do you respond to difficult situations?
              2. What role does forgiveness play in your life?
              3. How can you cultivate spiritual maturity in your interactions?

              Inspiring Quotes

              "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)

              "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." (Martin Luther King Jr.)

              - with Monica Kemp, Paul Kemp Administrator
              • Monica Kemp
                By Monica Kemp

                Awesome, brother! And THANK YOU for bringing up the difference bw responding(positively) vs reacting(negatively)!!! I have known this for years and while I mention it to others at appropriate times, they often think they the same thing!
                Well articulated, brother!

              • Bishop Moses Kaharwa
                Bishop Moses Kaharwa posted 1 images


                This resonates with the Urantia Book's teachings on personal growth, spiritual evolution, and the importance of aligning with one's true purpose.

                1. Growth and Pain:

                "The universe is not a place of ease and comfort, but rather a realm of challenge and opportunity." (Paper 100, Section 4)

                "Personal growth and spiritual development require the overcoming of difficulties and the endurance of hardships." (Paper 110, Section 3)

                2. Change and Transformation:

                "Change is the fundamental law of the universe... Growth and progress are impossible without change." (Paper 118, Section 2)

                "The only constant in the universe is change; and the only thing that does not change is the will of God." (Paper 12, Section 5)

                3. Staying True to One's Purpose:

                "The greatest tragedy in the universe is for an individual to fail to find their true place in the divine plan." (Paper 112, Section 5)

                "When an individual remains in a situation that is not consonant with their spiritual nature, they experience inner conflict and suffering." (Paper 103, Section 4)

                The Urantia Book emphasizes the importance of:

                - Spiritual growth and development (Papers 100-103)
                - Aligning with one's true purpose and divine plan (Papers 112-114)
                - Embracing change and transformation (Papers 118-120)
                - Cultivating inner strength and resilience (Papers 110-111)

                More Insights:

                1. The concept of "belonging" is deeply tied to one's sense of purpose and identity.
                2. Staying in a situation that contradicts one's values and aspirations can lead to spiritual stagnation and suffering.
                3. Growth and change require courage, faith, and trust in the divine plan.

                Questions to Refrect on:

                * What areas of your life require growth and transformation?
                * Are you staying true to your spiritual nature and purpose?
                * What changes can you make to align with your divine plan?

                • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                  WHO IS A TEACHER ?
                  We can try look at both Bible side and the Urantia book side as we try to answer the question about " Who is a teacher ?"

                  Urantia Book Perspective:

                  1. Teachers are spiritual guides, mentors, and truth revealers.
                  2. Emphasis on experiential knowledge, wisdom, and personal growth.
                  3. Teachers help students discover truth, not merely impart information.
                  4. Focus on spiritual transformation, soul growth, and cosmic citizenship.

                  Key Urantia Book concepts:

                  1. Melchizedek teachings (Papers 93-94)
                  2. The mission of Machiventa Melchizedek (Paper 93, Section 3)
                  3. The role of Thought Adjusters as inner teachers (Papers 107-108)

                  Biblical Understanding:

                  1. Teachers are spiritual leaders, instructors, and guides.
                  2. Emphasis on transmitting knowledge, wisdom, and scriptural truth.
                  3. Teachers help disciples understand God's Word, will, and character.
                  4. Focus on spiritual maturity, obedience, and faith.

                  Key Bible passages:

                  1. Matthew 28:19-20 (Great Commission)
                  2. 1 Timothy 2:7, 2 Timothy 1:11 (teaching God's Word)
                  3. Hebrews 5:12-14 (spiritual maturity)
                  4. James 3:1-2 (teacher accountability)


                  1. Emphasis on spiritual guidance and mentorship.
                  2. Importance of transmitting truth and wisdom.
                  3. Focus on personal growth and transformation.


                  1. Scope of teaching: Urantia Book (cosmic, universal) vs. Bible (primarily focused on God's relationship with humanity).
                  2. Teaching methods: Urantia Book (experiential, intuitive) vs. Bible (scriptural, didactic).
                  3. View of teacher's role: Urantia Book (facilitator) vs. Bible (authority figure).

                  Unique Urantia Book Concepts:

                  1. The Threefold Universe Attitude (Paper 118, Section 8)
                  2. The Art of Living (Paper 110, Section 4)
                  3. The Teachings of Jesus (Papers 140-196)

                  Unique Biblical Concepts:

                  1. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
                  2. The Teacher-Savior concept (Matthew 23:10)
                  3. The importance of doctrine and orthodoxy (1 Timothy 1:10, 2 Timothy 4:3)

                  • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                    HOW TO JUDGE SPIRITUALITY ?

                    The Urantia Book provides guidance on judging spirituality in Paper 100:6.1-8, which states:

                    1. Fruits of the Spirit: Judge a person's spirituality by the fruits of their spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control. (100:6.1)

                    2. Inner Life: Evaluate a person's inner life, their thoughts, feelings, and motivations, rather than just their outward actions. (100:6.2)

                    3. Growth and Progress: Assess a person's spiritual growth and progress over time, rather than judging them based on a single moment or action. (100:6.3)

                    4. Intention and Motive: Consider a person's intentions and motives, rather than just their actions. Are they motivated by love, or self-interest? (100:6.4)

                    5. Spiritual Experience: Recognize that spiritual experience is highly personal and subjective. Avoid judging others' experiences or comparing them to your own. (100:6.5)

                    6. Love and Compassion: Apply the test of love and compassion. Is the person's spirituality characterized by love, empathy, and kindness towards others? (100:6.6)

                    7. Wisdom and Insight: Evaluate a person's wisdom and insight, their ability to discern spiritual truth and apply it in their life. (100:6.7)

                    8. Consistency and Sincerity: Assess a person's consistency and sincerity in their spiritual life. Do they practice what they preach? (100:6.8)

                    By the above, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of a person's spirituality and avoid superficial judgments.

                    • Bishop Moses Kaharwa


                      Day-to-day life challenges and experiences can help us grow spiritually, emotionally, and economically in several ways:

                      Spiritual Growth:

                      1."The soul grows by its own internal struggles, by its own efforts to overcome the inertia of the material mind." (Urantia Book, Paper 111, Section 2)
                      2."The spiritual life is not a matter of intellectual assent or emotional feeling, but rather a matter of actual experience and living." (Urantia Book, Paper 117, Section 6)

                      Emotional Growth:

                      1."The emotions are the driving force behind the soul's growth, and they must be trained and directed in order to achieve spiritual progress." (Urantia Book, Paper 116, Section 4)
                      2."The highest happiness is not found in the mere gratification of the emotions, but rather in the spiritual experience of knowing God and serving him." (Urantia Book, Paper 117, Section 5)

                      Economic Growth:

                      1."The economic life is a part of the total life, and it must be lived in harmony with the spiritual and emotional life." (Urantia Book, Paper 132, Section 5)
                      2. "The true measure of wealth is not the accumulation of material goods, but rather the richness of one's spiritual experience and the depth of one's emotional life." (Urantia Book, Paper 133, Section 3)

                      Day-to-day life challenges can help us grow by:

                      * Forcing us to confront our weaknesses and limitations (Urantia Book, Paper 118, Section 8)
                      * Providing opportunities for service and selflessness (Urantia Book, Paper 129, Section 1)
                      *Encouraging us to develop a deeper trust in God and his guidance (Urantia Book, Paper 130, Section 4)
                      * Helping us to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for life's experiences (Urantia Book, Paper 132, Section 2)

                      What is your idea ?

                      • Monica Kemp
                        By Monica Kemp

                        Amazingly well -written, brother! Yay, God!

                      • JORDAN ARINDA
                        By JORDAN ARINDA

                        I have learnt alot from this

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                        By Paul Kemp Administrator

                        195:10.5 In winning souls for the Master, it is not the first mile of compulsion, duty, or convention that will transform man and his world, but rather the second mile of free service and liberty-loving devotion that betokens the Jesusonian reaching forth to grasp his brother in love and sweep him on under spiritual guidance toward the higher and divine goal of mortal existence. Christianity even now willingly goes the first mile, but mankind languishes and stumbles along in moral darkness because there are so few genuine second-milers -- so few professed followers of Jesus who really live and love as he taught his disciples to live and love and serve.

                          195:10.6 The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus' brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.

                      • JORDAN ARINDA
                        By JORDAN ARINDA

                        Blessings follow you

                      • Bishop Moses Kaharwa
                        By Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                        Thank you brother Paul for such an inspiration!
                        Paper 195:10.5:
                        "The kingdom of heaven is not a matter of intellectual assent or theological comprehension; it is a matter of personal experience in spirit attainment."

                        "Jesus laid great emphasis on the rebirth of the human spirit, teaching that men must be born again, born of the spirit, to enter the kingdom of heaven."

                        Below is a much more understanding:

                        - True understanding of the kingdom of heaven comes from personal spiritual experience, not just intellectual knowledge or theological understanding.
                        - Spiritual rebirth is essential to enter the kingdom, indicating a profound transformation of the human spirit.
                        - This transformation involves being "born of the spirit," renewing one's nature and purpose.
                        - Jesus' teachings emphasize the need for individual spiritual growth, inner transformation, and personal experience of the spirit.
                        - The kingdom of heaven is about spiritual attainment, requiring a deep, personal connection with the divine.
                        - Intellectual understanding alone is insufficient; spiritual rebirth and personal experience are necessary to truly comprehend and enter the kingdom.

                        In essence, these passages highlight the importance of personal spiritual experience, transformation, and growth in understanding and entering the kingdom of heaven.

                      • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                        Every mortal is a servant of the universe." (UB 40:5.2)

                        Reflection: We are all part of a larger cosmic plan, connected and interdependent. Our lives have purpose and meaning when we serve others and contribute to the greater good. Embrace your role as a servant of the universe and discover the joy of making a difference!

                        Share and reflect on this message today, and let's move on tomorrow