As the CMC Kabale community in Uganda,
We were very happy to receive brother Pato and Antoinette from Los Angels
Who visited us to join our physical meeting
We shared a lot and learnt a lot
The truth still stands
I found out this beautiful verse and felt it will teach something to my fellows after understanding it.
The love of God saves the sinner;
the law of God destroys the sin.
God intervene in the battles we fight silently
We shared about part IV which is about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
This is because most of them are still new and it's the easiest part for the beginners
We have also told them to continue from where we stopped for the betterment of understanding the UB
Thanks to those who tried to turn up and those who didn't make it due to exams and transportation issues, next time let's complete together for the outreaches of revelation
Am happy for the increasing number of females
We hope to unite western Uganda
CMC Kabale family
May God bless you
Wonderful News brother. Thank you for sharing these adventures in service.
Re:Am happy for the increasing number of females .
Let those female students who desire to enter the spiritual work of the world know about the Women's Corps Meetings once a month for training and study of the Revelations. Videos of past meetings are here.
SO exciting! REMEMBER: It is not about rushing to learn all of this information, as we have ETERNITY!
I posted a LOT more in that comment...why didn't it show up?! As Jesus, we can live out the Godlike actions he did in our own way, our own time and our own space!!! Loving service, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness and kindness, etc!
Good evening brothers and sisters,
Here is our next schedule with the mission of
"Uniting Western Uganda"
We're visiting Kabale University to hold our next meeting
Meant to share the word of God
CMC community Kabale
Urantia family
Wow you are marching forward for our Creator Father.
195:10.6 The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus' brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
195:10.7 No social system or political regime which denies the reality of God can contribute in any constructive and lasting manner to the advancement of human civilization. But Christianity, as it is subdivided and secularized today, presents the greatest single obstacle to its further advancement; especially is this true concerning the Orient.
Only the Jesusonian Gospel of Jesus. The Fatherhood of God and Family of Jesus practicing the religion of the Spirit can transform the Human Family
We shall be meeting for second time physically in order to outreach the revelation in western Uganda and we shall meet in kabale university as our center
We still have limited numbers of urantia books to accommodate the numbers of people for easy reading and understanding of the UB
Be sure to post some images of this event so members can see the good news.!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I make these gifts not as the world gives—by measure—I give each of you all you will receive. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. I have overcome the world, and in me you shall all triumph through faith."
~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, (181:1.5)
Good morning brothers and sisters
We're on our road to grow the Urantia community Kabale Chapter in Uganda
We have met some interested youth and shared some great words
We hope to grow bigger in Christ
God bless everyone supporting the revelation family
Brother, have you made contact with brother, Julius, who is a strong UB teacher in Kabale? You can email, if not:
Any FEMALES in your group? Remember, Jesus commissioned 12 women on January 17, AD 29, to help in "ministering the work of the kingdom". If women were hood enough for Jesus, they should be good enough for us, hey, brother?!
We have few females, since we are just a small group
With a mission of growing into a bigger revelation family
Actually we have 13 females in the group only that they failed to turn up due to unavoidable circumstances but hopefully next time they will be with us all as we are mobilizing others
Son you can have those friends who become interested fill out a book request form here Pipeline of Light Book Request
The Pipeline of Light program sends free or subsidized copies of the Urantia Book and its translations to potential students who cannot afford or otherwise obtain these transformative teachings.
Please fill out the Pipeline of Light request form...
We've already formed a WhatsApp group where we share ideas and teach ourselves, we're mobilising more people to join us share the revelation messages
We hope to grow into a bigger family soon
Anyone interested in joining is free
We can share the link
We be together and preach to people
God bless you
Am very glad for the Urantia community,
I received the book and am reading it
I have already learned a lot
May God bless you all
Wonderful that you are learning from the Urania Book, it teaches:
"The evolution of a religious capacity of receptivity (like yours Jordan) in the inhabitants of the world (Uganda included) largely determines their rate of spiritual advancement and the extent of religious revelation"
Jordan, since you are learning already you are very worthy to have your own copy of the UB, indeed.
I appreciate
And am already advancing since I have the book that I read on a daily basis
It's also motivating more of my friends and they are really demanding for the Urantia books,
How I wish they get them and join the revelation family
One day I feel like I can organize a good place and preach to them about the revelation
This is wonderful that you are moved by the Spirit of Jesus, his Spirit of Truth, to bring this Revelation of the true gospel of Jesus to others! But first!!!! Remember: we can onky teach what we know well ourselves, so study, study study!!
Thanks Monica Kemp, for the advice, am on my way to that, because am determined to serve under the Urantia family
Hello brothers and sisters
God loves you
Faith is a living attribute of genuine personal religious experience.101:8.1