Daris Turyasingura's Wall

    • Daris Turyasingura
      Daris Turyasingura posted 1 images

      Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love in the supreme relationship, speaks to the profound nature of love and truth in the spiritual journey. Love, in its purest form, transcends all material limitations. It is the essence of God and the foundation of all creation. When we love unconditionally, we align ourselves with the highest spiritual reality. This divine love is not just an emotion but a guiding force that leads us toward unity with God and others. And Truth is something that frees us from ignorance and deception. It opens our eyes to the deeper meaning of life and helps us understand the universe and our place within it. Truth can set us free by revealing the way to live a life aligned with divine principles.While truth enlightens us, love binds us. Relationships rooted in genuine, selfless love represent the pinnacle of human and divine interaction. The supreme relationship—between individuals or between humanity and God—is based on love. It fosters connection, growth, and the ultimate understanding of our purpose in the grand scheme of existence.In essence, while truth reveals and liberates, it is love that unites and elevates, making it the highest spiritual ideal.

      - with Soren K Vestergaard, Dr. Roger W. Paul, Monica Kemp, Paul Kemp Administrator
      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        A. What a beautiful young lady you are!
        B. LOVE is the answer...my prayer in the morning is:
        Increase my capacity to love others as I have been commanded to do, by you, Brother Jesus, and in the way you would have ME do. Amen

      • Bishop Moses Kaharwa
        By Bishop Moses Kaharwa

        Thanks Daris and sister Monica surely;

        Love is the key to understanding God, the universe, and ourselves.

        1. God is love: God's nature is love, and He loves His creatures with an infinite and unconditional love. (Paper 2:5.1)

        2. Love is the greatest reality: Love is the greatest reality in the universe, transcending time and space. (Paper 56:10.14)

        3. Love unifies: Love unifies all things, bringing harmony and coherence to the universe. (Paper 56:10.15)

        4. Love is the key to understanding: Love is the key to understanding God, ourselves, and the universe. (Paper 56:10.13)

        5. Selfless love: Love is selfless, seeking the welfare and happiness of others. (Paper 56:10.16)

        6. Love is the essence of the kingdom: Love is the essence of the kingdom of heaven, and those who would enter must be born of love. (Paper 140:5.10)

        7. Love casts out fear: Love casts out fear, and those who love have no fear. (Paper 143:5.6)

        8. Love is the greatest power: Love is the greatest power in the universe, capable of overcoming all obstacles. (Paper 195:10.2)

        Love is the key because it:

        * Reveals God's nature
        * Unifies all things
        * Brings understanding and insight
        * Transcends time and space
        * Overcomes fear and obstacles
        * Is the essence of the kingdom of heaven

        In essence, love is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, understanding God, and finding our place in the grand scheme of creation.

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        And let's include the very last sentence of Paper 56:10.21 - Love is the desire to do good to others. Amen!!