Son of Man: Urantia Project's Wall

    • Bob Kezer, PhD
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      Common Father: Common Bond
      An Appeal to Agnostics and Moderates of all Faiths

      This presentation is a call to subtle action: an appeal to those reasonable people—agnostics and the moderates of various faiths—who hold in their hearts the desire for good will toward all of humanity; this is an invitation to those people who know that the social, national, religious, and political divisions keeping our world in conflict are mostly false and constructed by others to control us for their own purposes. This message presents another option for our existence, and different than any other path it puts the power in the individual’s hands and leaves the validation of truth up to the person using the tools they already possess.

      I am addressing those people who want to evolve their beliefs, not remain mentally secure by committing to them as perfect and forever lasting. Some people realize that in a universe evolving toward perfection nothing can remain static: everything has to evolve or it will eventually cease to exist, that includes us, our ideas, and the world’s spiritual dogmas and doctrines. The teachings offered herein strip religions and their leaders of their assumed power or claims of divine preference or perfect knowledge, and require each person to review their current religious beliefs in light of a higher revelation of the nature of God and the reality of a loving universe.

      While this information has been with us for the last three quarters of a century, bringing it forth in this manner would have had little chance of acceptance five years ago; maybe even one or two years ago. But it seems like our world has shifted, and no, I cannot explain what I mean by that. In some way it seems like time has accelerated, while the revelation of truth across many fields seems to be building on itself in an almost exponential manner. Some people are calling this an awakening. To me it feels more like we are condensing to a point of confrontation where our world will either move into a new era of peace and goodwill among humanity, or it will not and life will become nothing more than survival for many generations to come, while those of us now on Earth will bear the shame of having left our children a legacy of horror unmatched by our ancestors.

      The question, people, is have we had enough yet? Has the horror gotten to the point where the numbness has worn off and now there is just an underlying pain that never goes away? Every morning we wake up to someone else’s children being blown apart, or any of the other unspeakable horrors that we now know people with fame, power, and money are committing against them all across the world. Has our rage built to the point yet where we are willing to admit that something has gone so wrong that our very existence feels like an affront to God? Are you like me, almost crippled with frustration knowing that you have some level of responsibility as a human being on this planet, but no clue whatsoever how to meet it and at least do your part? If you are, and if you have the guts to stand up and look this world dead in the eyes, then listen on. But be warned: with this knowledge comes personal responsibility that you cannot escape and that no others can assume: this will be a red pill blue pill moment for some of you. If you continue on, do so monitoring your inner voice as to the truth of what you are about to hear; from there it is ultimately between you and God, just like it always has been regardless of what so-called religious leaders may have told you.

      My sisters and brothers, we have been lied to in many ways. Most of you know this, or at least sense it. Some of the lies have been on purpose, some not; some have been done with malicious intent, others out of stupidity or expediency of one sort or another. Regardless of the intent, knowledge that humanity was given long ago—knowledge that we needed then and that we need now to bring our world to peace and goodwill—has been kept from us.

      A little over two thousand years ago, Jesus of Nazareth the living son of God, incarnated on Earth. Our world had fallen into spiritual confusion for various reasons, and he was here to, among other things, clarify the situation for us and the other worlds in his universe. Much of the knowledge that Jesus gave us was then hidden, changed, and added-to in the evolution of Christianity, which is a religion founded by Paul, not Jesus, and that expresses Paul’s ideas about the fact of the arisen Christ. It is not a religion about the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and because of that Christianity has become divided into hundreds of isolated cults, most of them at one another’s throats and every single one failing in their duty to bring forth the kingdom of heaven on Earth and guide their members in serving humanity—all of humanity not just those of their faith—for the sake of God. These mistaken ideas about Jesus and his revelation of the divine love, mercy, and forgiveness of our mutual father have stopped his gospel’s acceptance by most of the world in the past, and it is being increasingly rejected by those who will define our world in the future. Worse, having our true nature hidden from us has brought humanity to the point where we as a race cannot or will not protect the only innocent ones among us, our children.

      Your assurance of the validity of what you are about to hear will become a felt sense as we go forward, and in the end you will never again allow any person or religion to come between you and God, and you will have the tools needed to immediately verify for yourself the truthfulness of anything attributed to Jesus or God or any other spiritual matter. You will understand why it is though most people’s common bond of loving and wanting to protect our children that the majority of people will be able to dissolve the barriers between us and protect our world from the extremists now waging violence in God’s name, and you will learn how each of us can participate in our own way to bring our world to peace, goodwill among us, and the era of life and light.

      It all starts with the greatest lie that has been imposed on many people, and which is the root of all of the other problems we face, and that is that God is some impersonal deity far distant from us that we have to journey to, instead of the truth that God is a personality literally inside each of our minds in the form of a spiritual entity known as a Thought Adjuster. This spirit of God is God, and it is that portion of God that each of our unique mortal personalities will eventually meld with to form our new eternal soul in perfection with God: that is if we choose to do so because nothing in this universe is forced on us, including our gift of eternal life.

      To explain further: when a child makes its first moral choice that shows it has a mind complex enough to choose God’s will, an event that usually happens around five or six years of age, a Thought Adjuster of God enters that child’s mind. From then on the Thought Adjuster sends impulses to that finite mortal mind helping it to grasp the eternity, infinity, and universality of God. This is a slow process given our chemically based and emotionally charged biological minds, which is why meditation can aid in our spiritual development: it puts our mind at rest so God can instead meditate on us. After this first brief mortal life on Earth, the personality that arose from that mortal mind and its associated Thought Adjuster from God reincarnate in another body on another world in what is known as the morontia realm. The morontia realm is the intervening existence between the material realm of time and space and the spiritual realm we are progressing toward: we do not go from being mortal to spiritual just by dying. In the morontia realm the person’s personality and its Thought Adjuster continue advancing and incarnating together into finer more spiritual like bodies through hundreds of increasingly advanced training worlds until that personality reaches perfection and fully desires to do God’s will. At that point the perfected once mortal personality and the Thought Adjuster that has guided it throughout its existence, fuse together and form the eternal soul to continue serving God in future spiritual adventures.

      Working with the Thought Adjuster from God to guide us while we are on still on Earth is Jesus’ Spirit of Truth that he sent to humanity on the Pentecost after his murder. These two spirits collaborate to guide the person toward the truth, beauty, and goodness that is God: they are the quiet voice that comes forth at times in our lives, and it is through them that we can be assured of the validity of anything relating to God. But differentiating our impulses from God from our own egos has to be learned. The quiet voice of God that guides us is usually that first faint impression a person gets that tells them if something is true or false. It is not the result of the mental deliberations that often come after that first initial impulse is received.

      By improving our understanding of the nature of God, we learn to better tell the difference between God’s will and our desires. When we know that God’s nature is ultimate love, mercy, and forgiveness; when we know that each of us are special and unique in creation, and that the entire celestial host has been brought forth to aid each of us in our progressive ascent to God our mutual father, then we know that anything contrary to that divine nature is false. For example, if throughout a person’s life their inner sense has been that a loving God would not tell us to kill or wage war or sacrifice our children and animals to please him, or that he would not send his divine son to be tortured and murdered by the likes of us humans, then that person has been right all along: none of that human barbarism reflects God’s true divine nature. All of those are false teachings used to control us, and ultimately to harm God. We can be assured that anything describing God as being less than our personal all-loving, all-merciful, and all-forgiving father—anything that counters our highest idea of ultimate truth, beauty, and goodness—anything that smells of hypocrisy or that violates our divinely inspired sense of righteousness is false. Period. The universe has a perfect symmetry to it that cannot be sullied, and we will immediately sense when something is repulsive to the God inside of us. So no, our true inner voice will never tell us to do any of the horrors that in the past have been attributed to God: all of the examples religious leaders use to convince people not to follow their inner voices—and instead and of course follow them—have come about by people thinking they were following their hearts when in fact they were being subjugated by their minds. And that mental dominance was only able to happen because the truth of God being inside of them and his loving, merciful, and forgiving nature had been hidden from those people.

      God is no respecter of people. Jesus brought his message to Earth for everyone: man and woman, Jew and gentile, etc., and he denounced any ideas of man’s spiritual superiority over women, which Paul and the other early leaders of his church, to their shame, decided to ignore. Neither is God a respecter of religions: the only true religion is our personal experience of talking with God in our mind. No person, regardless of their assumed earthly titles, can come between God and a person, and no religion, tradition, or ceremony has any spiritual value what-so-ever on high: all religions on Earth are considered by Jesus, hence God, to be nothing more than social groups of people believing the same way, which is fine, but none of them have God’s favor and membership in one in and of itself does not affect a person’s spiritual status: that is up to each of us and our spirit of God resident in our mind.

      The second great lie imposed on many people, and that is only made possible from the lie that God is distant instead of ever present inside of us, is that the idea of a person’s neighbor only applies to the people of their faith. If God is something far away, then people and religions can presume to come between the person and that God. This is how we have been divided, controlled, and pitted against one another over the ages. The result has been great spiritual concepts like the Golden Rule being confined to specific religious groups, which is an affront to God and to many people’s inner sense of correctness. The fact that each of us has present in our minds an actual spirit entity of the same God-father makes us all siblings: sisters and brothers with the same personal God-father inside of us.

      Jesus’ gospel was his life: it is not the bible. There was a reason why Jesus never wrote anything down, and he neither sanctioned or influenced the writings about him that came later. While the bible may be a fine theological document, it is not the word of God, it only brings forth a part of Jesus life, and it is filled with many of the apostles’ confused ideas about his teachings. Absolutely nothing touched by human hands is sacred: nothing. Jesus did not come to the Earth to be a social reformer, and he never was: he did not dictate to us how to live, he showed us how to honor God in our lives. Jesus demonstrated to us through his life the perfect divine love, mercy, and forgiveness of God the father, and he taught us through his interactions with us that our highest duty as individuals is to serve humanity for the sake of God. That was Jesus’ gospel and his greatest commandment, the highest level of the Golden Rule: to treat others as God our mutual father would have us treat them regardless of who they are. It is a beautiful plan, but no one said it would be easy.

      But how do we go forward? How, after all of the horror that we have committed and all of the resulting divisions among us, do we enact the Golden Rule as our standard for life? How do we manage to get enough people into the governments, businesses, and religions framing our lives that have the courage to say no; that have the courage to commit to the Golden Rule and will not participate in violating it for someone’s else’s expediency? How do we get people to realize that those forces on Earth working against peace and goodwill among us can only do so with our support: that if we do not cooperate, they do not survive?

      Our answer is uniting across the world to protect our children. The only time Jesus ever made a comment about someone having to pay for their sins in a way that resembles our childish idea of hell concerned those people who harm the little ones, when he said their fate would be worse than having a millstone tied around their necks and tossed into the sea. Nowhere else does Jesus even hint of punishment like that, and that is our clue as to the importance of and need to care for the only innocent ones among us.

      A parent’s love for their child is something that most people have in common and that crosses all social, religious, or political barriers; it is through our common love for our children that we can find the empathy and compassion needed to eventually apply the Golden Rule to their parents. And when enough of us stand up to protect the children, regardless of whose children they are or where they are at, we will bring much of the world’s horror to a standstill. For some reason, most of the worst malicious evil that we are seeing these days is aimed at harming God through our children: in other words, robbing God of another soul and those children of their greatest opportunity to acquire their eternal souls.

      Follow along with me here. Jesus came to Earth to draw us to God through witnessing his love and compassion, and we are supposed to model that example with our children and also draw them to God. A child is drawn to God through its experience of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness through us, its earthly parents. For example, along the same line Jesus told us to increasingly show the fruits of the spirit in our lives so that other people would see them and be drawn to God in their desire to acquire them. But if a personality never experiences God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness or if it gets led off track into continually choosing against truth, beauty and goodness then that person will eventually lose any desire to ever do God’s will; they will choose not to accept their gift of eternal life and when they die their personality will disperse throughout the greater universe like a drop of water in the ocean, and their Thought Adjuster will take all of value from that brief mortal existence and return to God to await another mortal mind to indwell.

      Each of us is a vital participant in God’s plan, and realizing that changes how we live: yes, eternal life is freely given and it is to be received as such, but from that point on we are expected to grow in our spiritual understanding and our service to humanity for God’s sake. We earn our way to God one step at a time, not through so-called works, but by increasingly demonstrating the fruits of the spirit in our lives; spreading those seeds and bringing more souls to God.

      The whole purpose of material creation is for mortals to be born, acquire their spirit of God, and then choose eternal life so they can move on to the morontia realm where they will then traverse hundreds of training worlds as they grow in perfection and eventually become eternal souls. Remember, this world is only a bridge; the only thing that is really important in this first life is whether or not we choose to continue our journey to perfection. To put it crudely, the universe is nothing more than a soul factory, and nothing hurts God more than losing one of his potential souls. This is why there is so much more joy in heaven over one sinner repenting, finding that one lost sheep, than having many more secure in the fold. That is why this message is aimed at you who sense the need to believe in God, but who do not see God in religion as it is practiced now: this is your way to God, and no one can interfere.

      Moving on. If harming our children and stealing their gift of eternal life is the greatest sin that can hurt God, then given the perfect symmetry of God’s plan the greatest way to resist those destroying our world for their ends would be just the opposite: protecting our children and enhancing their chance of choosing eternal life.

      Power is never given: it is taken. We, humanity, can assume our rightful power by each of us as individuals enacting the Golden Rule as the standard for all we do, over and above anything to the contrary. Whether we are at work or at play, at all times we make that choice that represents the greatest truth, beauty, and goodness in any particular situation, and from there we put our faith in God knowing that we have done our best to serve others for his sake. We, each of us, know who are neighbor is; we do not need anyone to tell us: we are each gifted with the means to validate the truth for ourselves. We, each of us, are responsible for the quality of humanity: we are the human race and no longer can we allow the elite few to dictate our conduct and the relationships between us, or to pit us against one another in a cycle of endless wars. Humanity wins not by protests or fighting or continually trying new political systems, but rather by each of us acting according to our highest understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness. We are each full members in this world: we are not subjects. Exercising our individual rights for the benefit of the race is our highest responsibility, and collectively our way to peace on Earth and good will among us.

      While it is our children that will draw us together, it is forgiveness that will allow us adults to live and work together in the effort to save them. God forgives us before we even realize the need to ask him, but each of us can only experience that divine forgiveness to the point that we forgive others. Everything in the universe has to balance out: it would be unfair to give us what we were unwilling to give to someone else. So, while in the beginning we may be enacting the Golden Rule for selfish reasons—because we ourselves will someday want to experience forgiveness—with repetition we get to the point where we forgive out of genuine love and compassion for the other person. Love is the most contagious of viruses: it is the essence of all that is eternally real and it facilitates the relationships between us.

      Every institution on Earth, whether social, political, religious, or governmental was originally formed to serve us, the individual. They survive through our cooperation: because we choose to allow them to, and we can change them or eliminate them through nothing more than the degree to which we cooperate with them. We do not overtly rebel against the system and bring attention to ourselves: we instead subtly transform our collective selves into the ghost in the machine through the hundreds of little ways each of us has to become a monkey wrench in whatever subsystem we find ourselves, and we do so in ways that do not jeopardize our livelihoods or personal relationships. Committing to basing our daily decisions on the Golden Rule and transforming these institutions from the inside through how we participate in them is how we release the rage at what we are seeing, and ease our frustration at being unable to change our world.

      We have no centralized command, no leaders to follow, and no one to account to except God himself: the battle plan is for each of us to serve humanity for the sake of God, and our chain of command is direct to the joint presence of God and Jesus’ Spirit of Truth in our minds. Embracing the fatherhood of God, the siblinghood of humanity, and our greatest duty to serve humanity for the sake of God gives us the power and courage to choose differently: to reject as much as possible anything that violates our inner voice or our highest understanding of God, while at the same time we work to uplift those efforts that are in service to the siblinghood of humanity for the sake of God. Jesus did not tell people what was wrong with their beliefs, but rather he built on what they already had right about God and then allowed that greater truth to eventually grow and push out whatever was false in their original ideas about God. This is a process, not an event. By individually becoming positively passive aggressive with the evil dominating our daily lives we collectively subvert its control over all of us, and by each of us committing to the Golden Rule among us we eventually unite ourselves in loving service to one another: we become peaceful warriors bringing about heaven on Earth through the daily free-will choices we make. If we can visualize this, we can accomplish it.

      Okay. That is the basic knowledge a person needs to break free of the forces now controlling us, whether we are in a simulated matrix, somehow controlled by a bunch of lizard people, or under the thumbs of a few perverted humans who have managed to amass too much power. No one needs anything else to be free, regardless of their physical circumstances.

      One of the finer points to accepting our gift of eternal life is the expectation that we then grow and participate in bringing about the kingdom of heaven on Earth. We learn how to do that by studying how Jesus lived his life among us: there is no knowledge on Earth more important for an individual to acquire and embody than the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth—the fruits of the spirit that arise from our experiential learning are our passport across that proverbial bridge and into the system training worlds of the morontia realm, our next phase in the ascent to God.

      I have three requests and one final tip of advice:

      First, for each of you to put just a little effort into sharing and spreading this message farther and wider than you normally would. In doing so, you immediately become a kingdom worker—if you are not already— and you are sowing seeds for the harvest ahead.

      My second request is for you to support the Son of Man: Urantia Project, and the best way to do so is to buy a copy of the book, Son of Man: Urantia, available at the Lulu dot com bookstore. Son of Man: Urantia brings forth the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth for today’s generation, and guides each person at their own level of spiritual development. Remember, nothing can remain static and survive: we must grow to continue the journey to God.
      If you are not able to afford a copy of the book, Son of Man: Urantia, the PDF version is available for free or whatever amount you would like to donate. All of the Son of Man: Urantia Project material is published on my Substack page in various formats, and you can subscribe for free or paid. Donations are of course accepted, and greatly appreciated: the PayPal donation link below.

      The third request is for you to start a program of constant personal development across all aspects of your life, with the goal of becoming nothing less than the best person you can be. You have a purpose now—serving humanity for the sake of God, and our efforts in this lifetime somehow sort us for, or channel us into the work ahead.

      And finally, my sisters and brothers, my advice is to relax into a state of unknowing. And I mean that about everything in your life except the truth of spiritual matters that arise from your conversations with the loving, merciful, and forgiving God-father inside each of us. There is absolutely nothing else in this world of facts, theories, conspiracies, and political, religious, and scientific expediency that you can fully trust. Nothing. We are all in this together, but ultimately it comes down to just you and God with Jesus as mediator.

      Stand strong, everyone. We each, and all together, have much more support than we know. This is the only battle where God has chosen sides down here on Earth, it is the only battle that counts in eternity, and God is riding shotgun with each one of us as we serve humanity for his sake and help Jesus bring this world into the era of life and light. Muster up your courage, and then get to work: your adventure has just begun.

      Bob Kezer
      16 August 2024


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      Common Father: Common Bond

      An Appeal to Agnostics and Moderates of all Faiths

    Son of Man: Urantia Project

    Son of Man: Urantia Project

    Son of Man: Urantia, by Bob Kezer PhD is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation. - That more may choose eternal life. -