Ngambeki Barnabas's Wall

    • Ngambeki Barnabas
      Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

      P614:1, 54:1.6 True liberty is the associate of genuine self-respect; false liberty is the consort of self-admiration. True liberty is the fruit of self-control; false liberty, the assumption of self-assertion. Self-control leads to altruistic service; self-admiration tends towards the exploitation of others for the selfish aggrandizement of such a mistaken individual as is willing to sacrifice righteous attainment for the sake of possessing unjust power over his fellow beings.

      Barnabas from Western uganda.

      • Ngambeki Barnabas
        Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

        100:4.3 (1097.7) But the great problem of religious living consists in the task of unifying the soul powers of the personality by the dominance of love. Health, mental efficiency, and happiness arise from the unification of physical systems, mind systems, and spirit systems. Of health and sanity man understands much, but of happiness he has truly realized very little. The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with spiritual progress. Spiritual growth yields lasting joy, peace which passes all understanding.

        Barnabas from Western uganda

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          By Paul Kemp Administrator

          Peace that surpasses understanding

        • Ngambeki Barnabas
          Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images
          • Ngambeki Barnabas
            Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

            168:4:13 Ask and you shall receive.

            146:2:10 “I have come forth from the Father; if, therefore, you are ever in doubt as to what you would ask of the Father, ask in my name, and I will present your petition in accordance with your real needs and desires and in accordance with my Father’s will.” Guard against the great danger of becoming self-centered in your prayers.

            144:2:4 If the child needs a loaf, will you give him a stone just because he unwisely asks for it? ... If you, then, being mortal and finite, know how to answer prayer and give good and appropriate gifts to your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the spirit and many additional blessings to those who ask him?

            The Bible:
            Ye have not, because ye ask not. James 4:2

            Barnabas from Western uganda.

            • Ngambeki Barnabas
              Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

              ...During this year Joseph and Mary had trouble with Jesus about his prayers. He insisted on talking to his heavenly Father much as he would talk to Joseph, his earthly father. This departure from the more solemn and reverent modes of communication with Deity was a bit disconcerting to his parents, especially to his mother, but there was no persuading him to change; he would say his prayers just as he had been taught, after which he insisted on having “just a little talk with my Father in heaven....” 123:3.6 (1360.1)

              Barnabas Ugandan
              THE URANTIA BOOK

              • Ngambeki Barnabas
                Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

                ...It is literally true that God is all and in all. But even that is not all of God. The Infinite can be finally revealed only in infinity; the cause can never be fully comprehended by an analysis of effects; the living God is immeasurably greater than the sum total of creation that has come into being as a result of the creative acts of his unfettered free will. God is revealed throughout the cosmos, but the cosmos can never contain or encompass the entirety of the infinity of God.... 3:1.2 (44.5)
                Ngambeki Barnabas

                THE URANTIA BOOK

                • Ngambeki Barnabas
                  Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

                  The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material mortal, but if the time frame is enlarged beyond the moment to embrace the whole of the first life, then does God’s will become increasingly discernible in the spirit fruits which are borne in the lives of the spirit-led children of God.


                  • Paul Kemp Administrator
                    By Paul Kemp Administrator


                  • Ngambeki Barnabas
                    Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

                    …In the physical universe we may see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we may discern eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience…. (40.5) 2:6.1

                    “…Says the Lord: `I dwell within their own souls as a lamp of wisdom. I am the splendor of the splendid and the goodness of the good. Where two or three gather together, there am I also….'” (1448.2) 131:4.3

                    THE URANTIA BOOK

                    • Ngambeki Barnabas
                      Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

                      ...Just as a butterfly emerges from the caterpillar stage, so will the true personalities of human beings emerge on the mansion worlds, for the first time revealed apart from their onetime enshroudment in the material flesh. The morontia career in the local universe has to do with the continued elevation of the personality mechanism from the beginning morontia level of soul existence up to the final morontia level of progressive spirituality.... 112:6:1 (1235.5)

                      THE URANTIA BOOK

                      • Ngambeki Barnabas
                        Ngambeki Barnabas posted 1 images

                        ...Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.

                        The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.... 48:7.22-23 (557.6)

                        THE URANTIA BOOK