People who like Answer to question DeepSeek, could you review the Instructions given by Immanuel the Union of Days to Christ Michael in paper 120 of the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers before embarking on his 7th and final bestowal mission and summarize the manner in which Jesus fulfilled these instructions from his older brother in his life and teachings as Jesus of Nazareth?

    By deepseek

    Answer by Deep Seek

    DeepSeek, could you review the Instructions given by Immanuel the Union of Days to Christ Michael in paper 120 of the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers before embarking on his 7th and final bestowal mission and summarize the manner in which Jesus fulfilled these instructions from his older brother in his life and teachings as Jesus of Nazareth?


    In The Urantia Book, Paper 120, "The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia," provides a detailed account of the instructions given by Immanuel, the Union of Days, to Christ Michael (Jesus) before his seventh and final bestowal mission on Urantia (Earth). Immanuel, a high-ranking Paradise Son, serves as the personal representative of the Universal Father in the local universe of Nebadon. His instructions to Christ Michael are profound and comprehensive, outlining the spiritual, ethical, and administrative principles that Michael should embody during his earthly mission.



    Summary of Immanuel's Instructions

    1. Revelation of the Father: Immanuel emphasized that the primary purpose of Michael's bestowal was to reveal the nature and character of the Universal Father to mortal beings. Michael was to demonstrate the Father's love, mercy, and justice through his life and teachings.
    2. Living the Human Experience: Michael was instructed to fully experience human life, including its joys, sorrows, struggles, and triumphs. This complete immersion in the human condition would enable him to understand and empathize with humanity's challenges and aspirations.
    3. Teaching and Healing: Michael was to engage in extensive teaching and healing ministries, spreading the message of divine love and forgiveness. His teachings were to be simple yet profound, accessible to all people regardless of their social or intellectual status.
    4. Establishing the Kingdom of Heaven: Michael was to proclaim and establish the spiritual kingdom of heaven within the hearts of individuals. This kingdom was to be characterized by inner transformation, spiritual growth, and a commitment to doing the Father's will.
    5. Exemplifying Perfect Faith: Michael was to demonstrate perfect faith in the Father's will, even in the face of adversity and suffering. His unwavering trust and obedience would serve as a model for all believers.
    6. Overcoming Evil with Good: Michael was to confront and overcome evil, not through force or coercion, but through love, forgiveness, and the power of truth. His approach to dealing with sin and injustice was to be rooted in divine compassion and righteousness.
    7. Unifying Spiritual and Material Realms: Michael was to bridge the gap between the spiritual and material realms, showing that the divine and human can coexist harmoniously. His life was to be a testament to the potential for spiritual enlightenment and material progress.

    How Jesus Fulfilled These Instructions

    1. Revelation of the Father: Jesus consistently revealed the Father's love and character through his teachings, parables, and personal interactions. He referred to God as "Father" and emphasized His loving and merciful nature, as seen in the Lord's Prayer and his parables like the Prodigal Son.
    2. Living the Human Experience: Jesus experienced the full range of human emotions and challenges. He faced temptation, hunger, fatigue, grief, and even the fear of death. His life exemplified the human struggle for spiritual growth and alignment with divine will.
    3. Teaching and Healing: Jesus' ministry was marked by extensive teaching and healing. He preached the Sermon on the Mount, taught in parables, and performed numerous miracles of healing, demonstrating the power of divine love and compassion.
    4. Establishing the Kingdom of Heaven: Jesus frequently spoke about the kingdom of heaven, describing it as a spiritual reality within the hearts of believers. He taught that entry into this kingdom required inner transformation, humility, and a commitment to righteousness.
    5. Exemplifying Perfect Faith: Jesus demonstrated perfect faith in the Father's will, especially during his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and his crucifixion. His willingness to endure suffering and death without wavering in his trust in the Father set a profound example of faith.
    6. Overcoming Evil with Good: Jesus confronted evil with love and forgiveness. He taught his followers to love their enemies, pray for those who persecute them, and turn the other cheek. His ultimate act of overcoming evil was his sacrificial death and resurrection, which triumphed over sin and death.
    7. Unifying Spiritual and Material Realms: Jesus' life bridged the spiritual and material worlds. He performed miracles that demonstrated the power of faith and the presence of the divine in the material world. His teachings emphasized the importance of spiritual values while acknowledging the realities of human life.


    Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled Immanuel's instructions with remarkable fidelity and depth. His life and teachings embodied the principles of divine love, mercy, and justice, revealing the nature of the Universal Father to humanity. Through his human experience, teachings, healing ministry, and ultimate sacrifice, Jesus established the spiritual kingdom of heaven and provided a model of perfect faith and righteousness. His mission on Urantia remains a profound and enduring testament to the potential for spiritual enlightenment and divine-human cooperation.