Answer by Deep Seek
DeepSeek, could you review the Instructions given by Immanuel the Union of Days to Christ Michael in paper 120 of the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers before embarking on his 7th and final bestowal mission and summarize the manner in which Jesus fulfilled these instructions from his older brother in his life and teachings as Jesus of Nazareth?
In The Urantia Book, Paper 120, "The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia," provides a detailed account of the instructions given by Immanuel, the Union of Days, to Christ Michael (Jesus) before his seventh and final bestowal mission on Urantia (Earth). Immanuel, a high-ranking Paradise Son, serves as the personal representative of the Universal Father in the local universe of Nebadon. His instructions to Christ Michael are profound and comprehensive, outlining the spiritual, ethical, and administrative principles that Michael should embody during his earthly mission.
Summary of Immanuel's Instructions
How Jesus Fulfilled These Instructions
Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled Immanuel's instructions with remarkable fidelity and depth. His life and teachings embodied the principles of divine love, mercy, and justice, revealing the nature of the Universal Father to humanity. Through his human experience, teachings, healing ministry, and ultimate sacrifice, Jesus established the spiritual kingdom of heaven and provided a model of perfect faith and righteousness. His mission on Urantia remains a profound and enduring testament to the potential for spiritual enlightenment and divine-human cooperation.
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