Comments on Status update by Ainamani John

Ainamani John

I am not yet fullfiling the responsibilities and obligations of The Kingdom, I'm moving slowly to the destination, which is a beginning in and of itself.

I've had a confusing and hard time in the past two year where I've been hearing voices inside my head which are not righteous 100% and I'm in a process of changing my mindset from a controlled animal to a choosing soul.

And with all this tribulation I'm excited about God and his divine kingdom and I'm willing to do everything to enter therein and to be the light and truth the Father's fragment directs me to be.

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    We each have to not be so hard on ourselves, as we are becoming more and more like the way our Father Fragment is guiding us towards...we are not perfect. This was God's plan! That we should daily strive to choose His way in all our thoughts, words and the best of our understanding and the best of our ability. That is all we can do, all the while remembering that we ARE in God's Presence, as he is in ours, and embraced in his Infinitely Divine Love.