Comments on Wall post by Bob Kezer, PhD

Bob Kezer, PhD

Hi everyone,

Below is a response I just wrote for a person on facebook commenting on one of my posts. I am reposting part of it here to help explain why some of my comments may “feel” slightly different. I’ll expand on this as it clears up in my mind. Godspeed.

From fb:

“Hey there, Bob. Long-time reader here. I'm thinking you perhaps meant something more than what is conveyed by your statement, "The Urantia Revelation claims that in these days the greatest threat we will face is holding to our faith."
Perhaps you mean that the Urantia Revelation conveys that, in these days of being barraged by rank materialism and rampant selfishness, we are to more firmly gird ourselves with the armor of living faith?”

Yes and no. I agree with your statement and it is imperative today.

Regarding mine: all reference comes from part 4 of the revelation. I’m not ready yet to address this to the community, but I have concerns about not only the content of parts 1-3, I also feel it is being paid too much attention by the community at the expense of knowing the information in part 4—which according to the revelation is the most important knowledge we can garner in this first life. Validation of anything for me at this point is strictly internal.

I am passing on the warning in part 4—every person’s greatest danger at this time is going to be holding to their faith, their unwavering belief in God the Father and that they are in fact his son.

The best advice I can offer the community is to put parts 1-3 aside and study part 4 like your life depends on it, because it does. It is time for everyone to look in the mirror, and get to work bringing forth the kingdom instead of reading about it.

As an aside, I published a paper in the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice on the Urantia revelation. If interested, it holds some clues as to where we may have concerns with the text. It is on my substack page.

Again, good to meet you. I’ll do my best to be timely on responses, but some may be delayed.


  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Excellent, Bob(as I agree!), and while the first response from FB is fair, it is not always the OUTSIDE world that will present dangers to our faith, but WE ourselves, in doubts about ourwelves, relationships, exactly what is God doing nowadays...for me, etc etc.

    While this may not reflect your thoughts, Bob, not the point, however, I DO, most strenuously agree, that Part IV is the go-to right now. As I believe, it was the real reason the Revelation was presented to us...I always describe this epochal revelation as the 5th time the Father has intervened in the affairs of mankind to right us on our pathway. And since our path is a fleshy, material one, it behooves us to pay attention to the "restatement" of the life and teachings of Jesus! The rest, we will get later...