Comments on Status update by Gumisiriza Julius

Gumisiriza Julius

How did Jesus fund the 4th Epochal Revelation? Could the same method of funding be applied to the 5th Epochal Revelation?

  • Gumisiriza Julius
    By Gumisiriza Julius
  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Excellent question, brother, the answer to which we have been trying to nail down for a few years now!
    While he did no fundraising personally, the masses whom he taught thought he and his apostles were worthy of their support and freely gave, money or food. ONE of the reasons the Sanhedrin had to dispose of Jesus as he was cutting into their income stream!

    Remember Matthew secretly deposited money to the funds as well. The Revelation says that if people are not willing to give all that they have to the gospel of Jesus, but are followers of his message, that they are required to support those who are committed. You do not live in an area of plenty and while we on this side of the pond have more, we are not affiliated with readers nor interested enough parties or well-to-do who can support. We do what we can, and continue to have faith in the seraphim of our watchcare to guide and lead us where we need to go and what we need to do.

  • Gumisiriza Julius
    By Gumisiriza Julius