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Dear brothers, sisters friends and family I call upon you to help me in this situation whereby I now live on my own basis. Our president of Uganda added another 60 days of country lockdown so I need your help with getting food and rent for the...
A Payout of $50.00 CAD was made to Kato on 2021-09-15 leaving a balance of 0.00 on this Campaign. As of 2021-09-15 $185,00 CAD has been paid out. Thank you donors. This Campaign is still open for donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2021-12-04 of $100.00 CAD was paid out on 2021-12-04 by a Pay Out of $100.00 CAD. A Transfer was made to Moreen of The Way The Truth and Life Services Foundation to send to Kato.To date 2021-12-04 Pay-Outs totalling $285.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2021-12-21 of $30.00 CAD was paid out on 2021-12-21 by a Pay Out of $30.00 CAD. A Transfer was made to Kato's Aunt Betty to send to Kato.To date 2021-12-21 Pay-Outs totalling $315.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2021-12-23 of $25.00 CAD was paid out on 2021-12-23 by a Pay Out of $25.00 CAD. A Transfer was made to Kato's Aunt Betty to send to Kato.To date 2021-12-24 Pay-Outs totalling $340.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2021-01-09 of $174.00 CAD TR44013 Jan 8, 2022 15:50 was paid out on 2021-01-09 by a Pay Out of $174.00 CAD. A Transfer was made to Kato via Johnprosper.To date 2021-01-09 Pay-Outs totalling $514.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2021-02-16 of $190.00 CAD was paid out on 2021-02-16 by a Pay Out of $190.00 CAD. A Transfer XXXXX416 was made to Kato Pare via his Aunt Betty Natuhwera To date 2021-02-16 Pay-Outs totalling $704.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-03-17 of $105.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-03-17 by a Pay Out of $105.00 CAD. TR45720 A Transfer XXXXX703 was made to Kato Pare via his Aunt Betty Natuhwera To date 2022-03-17 Pay-Outs totalling $809.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Note:An extra 45.00 was added and sent for the family and the balance of the school trip.Thank you donors for your continuing support for this Campaign. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-04-12 of $150.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-04-12 by a Pay Out of $150.00 CAD. TR46605 & TR46475. A Transfer XXXXX5X4 was made to Kato Pare via his Aunt Betty Natuhwera To date 2022-04-12 Pay-Outs totalling $959.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda.Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-04-25 of $30.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-04-25 by a Pay Out of $30.00 CAD. TR47645. A Transfer XXXXX3X8 was made to Johnprosper to wallet to Kato. To date 2022-04-25 Pay-Outs totaling $989.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-05-05 of $420.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-05-05 by a Pay Out of $420.00 CAD. TR48294 TR48436 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-05-05 Pay-Outs totaling $1,409.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-05-09 of $50.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-05-09 by a Pay Out of $50.00 CAD. TR48516 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-05-09 Pay-Outs totaling $1,459.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Note: $72.92 on a Facebook Fundraiser were included in this transfer. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-05-31 of $750.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-05-31 by a Pay Out of $750.00 CAD. A transfer was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-05-31 Pay-Outs totaling $2209 .00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Note: $20.00 on a Facebook Fundraiser were included in this transfer as well as $50.00 ED Top-Up from a direct donation $820.00 was sent. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-07-13 of $75.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-07-13 by a Pay Out of $75.00 CAD. A transfer was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-07-13 Pay-Outs totaling $2284.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Note: $50.00 ED Top-Up from a direct donation was added and sent as well. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Thank you donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-08-04 of $100.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-08-04 by a Pay Out of $100.00 CAD. A transfer for TR51546 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-08-08 Pay-Outs totaling $2384.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Note: $70.00 Top-Up from a direct donation was added and sent as well. SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Campaign owner Please Thank your donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-09-02 of $675.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-09-02 by a Pay Out of $675.00 CAD. A transfer for TR52433 TR52409 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-09-02 Pay-Outs totaling $3,059.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign.SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Campaign owner Please Thank your donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-10-09 of $145.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-10-09 by a Pay Out of $145.00 CAD. A transfer for TR53060 TR53031 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-10-09 Pay-Outs totaling $3,204.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign.SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Campaign owner Please Thank your donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.Note:An extra 50.00 CAD was sent for Kato along with 255 CAD medical assistance for B.A. from private donors.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-10-15 of $1,300.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-10-15 by a Pay Out of $1,300.00 CAD. A transfer for TR53122 TR53119 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-10-15 Pay-Outs totaling $4,504.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign.SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Campaign owner Please Thank your donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2022-10-31 of $200.00 CAD was paid out on 2022-10-31 by a transfer for TR53332 was made to Betty Kato's Aunt. To date 2022-10-31 Pay-Outs totaling $4704.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign.SFN paid the transfer fees to Uganda. Campaign owner Please Thank your donors this Campaign is still open to receive donations.
A Payout of $135.00 CAD was made to Kato on 2021-08-17 leaving a balance of 0.00 on this Campaign as of 2021-08-17. Thank you donors. This Campaign is still open for donations.