Comments on Status update by Kato Pare

Kato Pare



After preaching the sermon on ‘’The Kingdom, Jesus called the six apostles together that afternoon and began to disclose his plans for visiting the cities around and about the Sea of Galilee. His brothers James and Jude were very much hurt because they were not called to this conference. Up to this time they had regarded themselves as belonging to Jesus’ inner circle of associates. But Jesus planned to have no relatives as members of this corps of apostolic directors of the kingdom. This failure to include James and Jude among the chosen few, together with his apparent aloofness from his mother ever since the experience at Cana, was the starting point of an ever-widening gulf between Jesus and his family. This situation continued throughout his public ministry-they very nearly rejected him and his death and resurrection. His mother constantly wavered between attitudes of fluctuating faith and hope, and increasing emotions of disappointment, humiliation, and despair

  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    So you see son, even when we are responding to the will of God, human minds lacking in wisdom experience cause great trouble for themselves with the attitude that they are higher in knowledge than God himself. Jesus did not want his own family clamoring for special attention in the public mission. The Father of all loves every single child with the same infinite affection. Jesus is no more special to God than any other of His children. While the relationship with his older children millions of years beyond our experience can be fuller the Father in Heaven even as good earth parents never show preference between the younger and older children. You will notice that during his resurrection appearances he did seek the services of James and Jude and they did become mighty messengers of the kingdom of God. Jesus acting in perfect accordance with the Fathers will could not have loved his family members more than he loved all men and women. He well knew his Fathers love was equally over all. However long time relationships of loving service do add great joy in every relationship regardless of if it is a family member or one we had found and loved throughout our lives. The growth of love in relationship is greatly dependent upon the demonstration of the fruits of the spirit in all of our relations. And the fruits of the spirit do not show forth in our lives until we have been born from above. Born of the spirit. Then from the joy of this experience flow the fruits of the spirit. 

    Fruits of the Spirit