Comments on Wall post by Monica Kemp

Monica Kemp

Thoughts on Why a Loving God allows evil and suffering in the World?
1. Potential evil must exist in order for us to have free will...the sure way to develop divine character!
This potential must exist for moral choosing.

2.We know Adam and Eve were not perfect as perfect beings do not err. Imperfection is NOT evil or sin.
Imperfection is incompleteness.

3. Perfection is not our origin. However, it is our destiny! But! We were created sinless.

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    While we do inherit the right to choose evil, we DO not inherent the sins of our ancestors, as sin is an action which must be consciously taken by each individual who chooses to stray from the path of the divine will. Therefore, there was/is no inherited sin from Adam and Eve.