Results for "World Political Unity"


    • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

      Truth lies within Your hearts

      Truth lies within Your hearts In a world filled with complexities and uncertainties, the searc...ontends that the truth, often elusive in the external world, is...e can uncover profound truths about ourselves and the world...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Evil, Sin and iniquity - The Two Groups of the world's citizens

        Evil, Sin and Iniquity - The Two Groups of the world's citizens,_SIN,_AND_INIQUITY...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Spirit Direction

          The Spiritual Direction “Only that mind which freely submits itself to the spirit direction can hope to survive the mortal time-space existence as an immortal child of the eternal spirit world.” 42:12.15 (484.3) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

          • Tumwijukye simon

            Revelation Poetry in Motion | Direction

            Revelation Poetry in Motion | Direction 76:5.6 The supermaterial government of Urantia,...for the  salvage of the individual; but no comprehensive plan for far-reaching world...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Ways&Byways

              Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Ways & Byways 167:2.2 “A certai...decide and then must choose How we work to pay our dues. How we do things in this world...

              • Paul Anderson

                Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change

                Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change 61:7.11 100,000 years ago, during the...nd elevations or modification of ocean currents. World Cha...elts at the poles Another ice age may unfold. The world...

                • Paul Anderson

                  Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Wars Will End

                  Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Wars Will End 70:2.9 War has had a ce...helps us all decide How we truly want to be. This world uni...  Someday, perhaps, not too far off This world...

                  • Paul Anderson

                    Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Shorter Ways

                    Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Shorter Ways Seasons and temperature...ed planets. Agriculture is universal on all atmospheric worlds; t...seem. For years and years, we were off beam. The world...

                    • Paul Anderson

                      Revelation Poetry In Motion by Paul Anderson | Thank You

                      Revelation Poetry In Motion by Paul Anderson | Thank You   66:7.15&16 Hap pr...any God but the Father of all. 2. You shall not disobey the Father’s Son, the world...

                      • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                        “Heart of Gold entwined in the utmost of beauty”

                        In a world where beauty often takes center stage, there exists a rare gem — a " that genuine beauty transcends the superficial, leaving an enduring imprint on the world...