Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Shorter Ways

    Paul Anderson
    By Paul Anderson
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    Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Shorter Ways

    Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Shorter Ways

    Seasons and temperature variations occur on all sunlighted and sun-heated planets. Agriculture is universal on all atmospheric worlds; tilling the soil is the one pursuit that is common to the advancing races of all such planets.

    Shorter Ways

    The shorter days of winter come.

    We have less time to get things done.

    The winter solstice’s, a month away.

    The shorter days affect our play.

    Until the solstice, days get shorter.

    Sunspots might affect your router.

    The sun just shines, we stay in orbit.

    The way we tilt has been recorded.

    The way we tilt accounts for seasons.

    Weather patterns have their reasons.

    We tilt away in winter time

    And towards the sun in summertime.

    “Easy Peezy” it may seem.

    For years and years, we were off beam.

    The world was flat, that’s what we thought.

    For many years our way was lost.

    Our understanding is time based.

    We live and die with the years we’re graced.

    Our time on earth is truly short.

    Blips of experience we can report.

    A time perspective we do lack.

    But we can change, we do react.

    But even when we do enact,

    We cannot see long-term impacts!

    Someday we’ll have longer lives.

    But as that happens, we must thrive.

    Record-keeping helps us see

    The course of time’s reality.

    Thank You, Father, for this time.

    To look inside’s an act Divine

    As we live, we learn more truth.

    The inner way is our pursuit!

    Paul Anderson