Results for "Trinity Teacher Sons"


    • Kirunda Sula CCM

      Christ's Care Ministry CCM Uganda

      Christ's Care Ministry     Prayers of Thanksgiving The riches wealth...ur knees,..... God does not forsake his children, is able , always a teac...

      • David Onche

        Fundraiser for Spiritual Family Network (This Website)

        ...ed to attract and train human teachers of truth who are fully devot...o out into the world as human teachers of truth proclaiming even as...ed to know. That they are the sons and daughters of God. This Spiri...raining and fellowshipping of Teachers and Leaders to lead manki...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Kato Pare Patrick 2022 Education Fundraiser

          Kato Pare Patrick 2022 Education Fundraiser   Dear family, friends, brothers, and sisters in will be on 10th January, 2022 before 5pm and you should report to the head teac...

          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

            Gumpi Andrew Cohen and Dorcas Constructing a 3 Room Family Home

            Gumpi Andrew Cohen and Dorcas Constructing a 3 Room Family Home     I am Gumpi Andrew Co...I am a father and husband of Dorcas. I am a qualified secondary school teac...

            • Gumisiriza Julius


              Dear friends and well Wishers. I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to you with an earnest request f...f leading two study groups in my area and serving as the Spiritual Facilitator Teac...

              • Bahati Allan Eric

                Laptop Campaign to assist in the outreach of the Urantia Revelations in Africa

                Laptop Campaign to assist in the outreach of the Urantia Re...pochal Revelation to Africa. I am a professional teacher in the school systems of Ugan...eparing PowerPoint Presentations and Study Group lessons based upon the Urantia Book d...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Million Member Discipleship Support Campaign

                  5th Epochal Revelation I AM Eden...mises of Jesus and his Divine Sons found in the 5th Epochal Revelat...ul as fellowship with man and sonship with God. AND camp to train and send out teachers and leaders. Thank you fo...vid Zebedee)  Bringing Teachers and Leaders to DavidCampu...