Fundraiser for Spiritual Family Network (This Website)

Please help us maintain the Social and Spiritual Services on Spiritual Family Network

About Spiritual Family Network


Spiritual Family Network is a world wide sweep net community designed to attract and train human teachers of truth who are fully devoted to the spiritual upliftment of their fellow man and faithfully devoted to the work of establishing the Family of God on earth. The spiritual mentoring and training of ambassadors of God in modern times, apostles of Christ who will go out into the world as human teachers of truth proclaiming even as they live the life of loving service; declaring the Good News of the spiritual brotherhood of all mankind based entirely upon their own personal religious experience with God the indwelling Spirit Father of every human soul. Declaring what men and women in this world most need to know. That they are the sons and daughters of God. This Spiritual Network and fellowshipping community is all about the training and fellowshipping of Teachers and Leaders to lead mankind upwards and onward into the advancing spiritual ages.


2% funded
135 CAD received
3 backers
8 days left
Money Pot
6000 CAD
Dec 30, 2024
Salt Springs Nova Scotia Canada


This campaign does not offer any rewards