Results for "The Origin of Canada’s Rule of Law"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      World Religions

      Religion Evolutionary and Epochal Religion is both evolutionary and revelatory. The trad...divine service to the human family. While the religions of the world have a double orig...

      • Wantanda Ronald


        Thanksgiving  For a moment they sat down by the treasury, watching the people drop in their contributions: the rich putting much in the receivi...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          UCNOW (Urantia Communities North West sponsors and supports regional and local gatherings throughout the Pacific Northwest (PNW) including brothers and sisters from Northern California, Idaho, other provinces of Canada, and beyond!

          • Manyi john

            Food Rescue Missions Progress (BOU)

            We are excited about the work that is being done in Uganda to improve the nutritional status of young children. We are increasing access to education and promoting hea...