Results for "Modern Strategies for Spreading the Urantia Teachings"

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    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Reply on topic: Sharing the Urantia Book with the World Family on Urantia

      One long time Urantia sister wrote this to me today: "In the U.S. if do...e. It allows us to donate more. The Urantia book Fellowship is a 501C3 or...iduals could donate specifically for Urantia books to be sent to those Afr...of Light now exclusively dispatches Urantia B...

      • Monica Kemp

        EDEN 3.0 by Monica Kemp

        ...ational instructions from the Urantia Papers on how life was lived...atia group, while copying the strategies that our own beloved maste...Soul group, created after his Urantia University Institute course o...establish a community here of Urantia revelation readers. A couple...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How

          Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How The ma...vored gummy candy. Furthermore, the live sound volume at modern...usic’s anxiety- and depression-reducing effects, some modern ge...