Results for "Living Hope Foundation Uganda"

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    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      Nothing Is Impossible With Courageous Heart. I humbly request us to memorize Biblical Book Of M...elp, the impossible becomes gloriously possible to us all. May we Fill our heart with hope a...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        What is consciousness in God's presence? Attention, presence, alertness, comprehension, respons...o is consciously or unconsciously following the leading of his indwelling Adjuster is living...

        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

          What living in the spirit can do for us? Please kindly share you...My little understanding to this question goes thus........ Living in...ghts, and unlimited beliefs that these unlimited thoughts of living...

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            greetings to you all friends, it has been a nice weekend here at Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga. have a look at them in the pictures. we still need your help for them to sit for their promotional exams

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              The Just Shall Live by Faith. “Behold, his soul which is lifted...ays triumphant over doubting, for faith is both positive and living. Th...ive the abundance of the unlimited flow of eternal Spirit of Living...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                Living In Awareness Within and Without.

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  Living In Awareness Within and Without. I humbly request all to endeavor to take cognizant of the wave that always comes from the core of the Universe that evokes respo...

                  • Kirunda Sula CCM

                    Hello all to all our beautiful Brethrens ,.praise God ....we kindly appeal to any one w...a big difference......our address is ......Receiver: KIRUNDA SULA...Country: UGANDA..... Area(TOwn) : Jinja.........

                    • Lyagoba Roman Bridge of Life

                      Shalom to you all our great supporters! We thank you for all you have gifted upon the orphaned children of Bridge of Life Ministries in Uganda! May God bless you all.

                      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                        CHALLENGES THAT WE FACE AT HOPE ORPHANS CENTRE-IGANGA AND OUR PLANS It’s our humble with us to make the life of the orphaned children at Hope Orpha...ed us to make these children happy. We have 25 children living...