Results for "10"


    • Carlee Goodwin

      Carlee Goodwin

      About me: Build an Opportunity for Africa      Welcome to Build An Opportunity For Africa     Welcome to Build an Opportunity! My name is...

      • Matte Jockas

        Matte Jockas

        About me: Matte Jockas BIO DATA OF FOUNDER: Matte Jockas is a God-Loving and Gospel preacher-Evangelist in Uganda who loves missionary word that aims at reaching out...

        • Mukisa Ronald

          Mukisa Ronald

          About me: Hope for Children in Crisis Ministry Uganda In Uganda their are over one million children orphaned and in need of support from the world communities. Pl...

          • SanSkritA


            About me: Sanskrita Alcyone DellErba

            • David Kantor

              David Kantor

              About me: ...tion eventually became the foundation for the Urantia Historical Society.  I continued managing the Fellowship’s web presence until 2012. In 2010 I started Urantia Book Films....

              • Javed Maqbool

                Javed Maqbool

                About me: Grace of God Ministry Faisalabad Pakistan        Grace of God Ministry Faisalabad Pakistan is a Children's Christian Church - John 3:16 (KJV...

                • Mugweri Philly

                  Mugweri Philly

                  About me: Mugweri Philly Director /CEO Muga Child Outreach -MUCO Jinja Uganda Our goal is to take care and love Orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS, Poverty and lack of basi...

                  • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                    Bishop Moses Kaharwa

                    About me: ...8. We have a Girl Child Campaign. 9. We are supporting very poor pastors in welfare, helping them to obtain shelters among many other issues. 10. We are running a program “Fr...

                    • Pastor Caroline Musagala

                      Pastor Caroline Musagala

                      About me: ...8. We have a Girl Child Campaign. 9. We are supporting very poor pastors in welfare, helping them to obtain shelters among many other issues. 10. We are running a program “Fr...

                      • Billy John Waiswa

                        Billy John Waiswa

                        About me:  CEO and Founder Youth in Act-Uganda/His Grace Children's Home, addressing the real needs of an Orphan Child Youth in Act-Uganda       ...