Results for "Equipment"


  • Congolese Females Action for Promoting Rights and Development COFAPRI
    • open group
    • 3 members

    Congolese Females Action for Promoting Rights and Development COFAPRI

    COFAPRI is empowering women and children survivors of war rape and domestic discrimination in the villages of DR Congo
  • Mayuge Urantia Book Readers Hub
    • open group
    • 2 members

    Mayuge Urantia Book Readers Hub

    Wampawu Peter Herbert - We are Focused at understanding and spreading the Goodness of God.
  • Women's Corps SFN
    • closed group
    • 15 members

    Women's Corps SFN

    Women's Corps SFN Monica Kemp - 150:1.1 Of all the daring things which Jesus did in connection with his earth career, the most amazing was his sudden announcement on the evening of January 16: "On the morrow we will set apart ten women for the ministering work of the kingdom."
  • Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage
    • open group
    • 2 members

    Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage

    Director Kizza Lawrence - Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage is a compassionate haven in Uganda dedicated to providing love, care, and education to orphaned and vulnerable children. Our mission is to nurture and empower these young lives, offering them a stable environment where they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Through community support and holistic programs, we strive to create a brighter future for every child in our care.