Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage

Owner: Kizza Lawrence

Group members: 2


Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage

Our home at Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage came about because of one little girl. As I was passing through a place here in Mityana called Buswabulongo, I noticed an orphaned child begging on a roadside. A passerby gave her some money, and she was so eager to buy food that she ran to get to the shop. As she crossed the street, she was knocked down by a car. That moment touched my heart, and I promised, from then on, to share the little I have with children like her.

**Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage: A Beacon of Hope for Vulnerable Children**

Nestled in the heart of Mityana, Uganda, Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage stands as a sanctuary for children in need, providing not only shelter but also a nurturing environment where every child is given the opportunity to thrive. Our orphanage was founded on the principles of compassion, community, and faith, aiming to transform the lives of vulnerable children through holistic care and education.

At Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage, we cater to the physical, emotional, and educational needs of over 200 children, ranging from infants to teenagers. Our dedicated team of caregivers, educators, and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that each child receives the love, attention, and resources necessary for their development.

**Our Mission and Vision**

Our mission is to provide a safe and loving home for orphaned and abandoned children, offering them the stability and support needed to grow into confident and responsible adults. We envision a future where every child in our care can realize their potential and make meaningful contributions to society.

**Comprehensive Care and Education**

Our approach to orphan care is comprehensive.

We provide:
✓Safe and Comfortable Accommodation: Clean, well-maintained living spaces where children can feel secure and at home.

✓ Nutritious Meals: Regular, balanced meals to ensure the health and well-being of every child.

✓Quality Education: Access to formal education and extracurricular activities, fostering both academic and personal growth.

✓ Medical Care: Regular health check-ups and medical treatment to address any physical health issues.

✓Emotional and Psychological Support: Counseling and support services to help children cope with past traumas and build resilience.

**Why We Need Your Support**

Despite our unwavering commitment, maintaining and enhancing the services we provide requires significant resources. The challenges we face are many:

1.Financial Constraints:
Sustaining day-to-day operations, from food and clothing to school supplies and healthcare, is a constant struggle.

2.Infrastructure Needs:
Expanding and improving our facilities to accommodate more children and provide better services.

3.Educational Resources:
Ensuring that our children have access to quality education and the tools they need to succeed academically.

4.Healthcare Services:
Addressing medical needs, including vaccinations, treatments, and emergency care, which require substantial funding.

**How You Can Help**

We believe that with the support of compassionate individuals and organizations, we can continue to make a profound difference in the lives of these children. Your contribution, no matter the size, can make an immediate and lasting impact. Here are some ways you can help:

-Financial Donations: Support our daily operations and long-term projects.

- Sponsorship: Sponsor a child's education or healthcare needs.

- Volunteering: Share your skills and time with our children.

- In-Kind Donations: Provide essential items such as clothing, school supplies, and medical equipment.

**Join Us in Making a Difference**

At Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage, every child’s future is our priority. With your help, we can continue to provide a loving and supportive environment where children can heal, grow, and dream. Together, we can transform lives and build a brighter future for these deserving children.

For more information on how to support us,

Please visit our website :

Phone number: +256783003909

Your generosity can change a life.


GoFundMe Campaign


Brief description: Director Kizza Lawrence - Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage is a compassionate haven in Uganda dedicated to providing love, care, and education to orphaned and vulnerable children. Our mission is to nurture and empower these young lives, offering them a stable environment where they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Through community support and holistic programs, we strive to create a brighter future for every child in our care.


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Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage

Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage

Director Kizza Lawrence - Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage is a compassionate haven in Uganda dedicated to providing love, care, and education to orphaned and vulnerable children. Our mission is to nurture and empower these young lives, offering them a stable environment where they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Through community support and holistic programs, we strive to create a brighter future for every child in our care.

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